
Reproductive Healthcare and Conceptions of Childbirth in Early America - A Panel Discussion

Thursday, February 27, 2025 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM EST
Online / NOTE: times are shown in EST

Authors: Nora Doyle, Western Carolina University
Jennifer W. Reiss, University of Pennsylvania
Comment: Sari Altschuler, Northeastern University

This is an online event.

This panel brings together two projects on reproductive healthcare and childbirth in early America. As Nora Doyle’s work shows, scholars of early American and Atlantic World history have shown particular interest in the link between perceptions of childbirth pain and the nascent concept of race. Yet by focusing primarily on racial ideology formation, historians have missed opportunities to understand the rich medical cultures in which these women were participants and practitioners. Doyle’s paper focuses on the medical cultures of Native women in early North America to show that these women were concerned about painful and difficult deliveries and therefore availed themselves of a variety of medical techniques and practitioners to manage their birth experiences. Jennifer Reiss’s paper places early American medical and social approaches to impregnation, gestation, parturition, and mothering in the context of early American disability history. It argues that both the male dominated, professionalizing, medical community and women themselves understood the female body and its reproductive labor as disabled and disabling, respectively. While providing a deep history for the current crisis in reproductive healthcare, the paper also suggests that thinking about reproduction as disablement should give additional meaning and nuance to how historians assess the concept of disability before the antebellum era.

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Social Reform and Identity Formation in the 17th Century - A Panel Discussion
Social Reform and Identity Formation in the 17th Century - A Panel Discussion
Hybrid / NOTE: times are shown in EST
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM EST
This panel investigates forms of social control in 17th century New England. Arthur George Kamya’s paper examines the regulation of distilled liquor in 17th century Massachusetts Bay Colony, exploring how authorities navigated competing moral, economic, and security imperatives. Initially targeting a cross-section of colonists, liquor laws evolved to focus on servants, Native Americans, and eventually African Americans. The colony's approach shifted from moral censure to pragmatic revenue generation, with officials using fines and licenses to fund government operations. Kamya’s study illuminates how alcohol regulation became a tool of social control, state-building, and the construction of racial hierarchies in colonial New England, offering insights into the complex interplay between commerce, governance, and identity formation in early America. As discussed in Alice King’s work, Connecticut adopted a notable strategy towards certain Indigenous populations during the initial decades of settlement, attempting to control and exploit Native communities by turning them into colonial tributaries who would provide essential supplies, wampum, and military aid. King’s paper considers the evolution of tributary politics at the end of the seventeenth century after the Dominion of New England and Glorious Revolution had destabilized colonial authority and left colonists vulnerable to attack by French and Native forces, including the Wabanaki Confederacy during King William’s War, 1689-1697, when Connecticut leaders sought to raise soldiers for New England’s defense from these historic tributary communities.
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