- - - [Act of Massachusetts Bay. ] disallowed by the King. 534.
- - - [Act of Massachusetts Bay. ] or Laws, granting power to Towns to hold meetings, &c.
- - - [Act of Massachusetts Bay. ] or Laws passed by the General Assembly of the Massa. Bay; amongst which are the Tax Act, which taxes the
Commissioners as usual: New Vendue Act: Lamp Act, &c. 318
- - - [Act of Massachusetts Bay. ] against retailers, selling misct liquors. 616
- - - [Act of Massachusetts Bay. ] Against Treason. 1063.
- - - [Act of Massachusetts Bay. ] against crimes, below Trea- son . [tube] 1065.
Act of the Assembly of Rhode Island, to form their
Militia, &c. 634
- - - [Act of the Assembly of Rhode
Island,] Repealing an Act, securing Allegiance to
the King: enact that his name shall not be used in any process, &c.
Act, or Law of the Town of Boston, against driving too
fast in ye Streets, &c, 644.
Acts for the regulation of Trade, always submitted to by
America. 667.685.1228
Act of Parliament relative to the calling Town meetings, &c.
submitted to, by the Town of Marshfield, and is
the first instance of submitting to it in any shape. 689.
- - - [Act of Parliament ] of Toleration what. &c. 1094.
See Laws.
(See up.)
- - - [A]
Admiralty [diamond] Court of in america,
very unconstitutional, and oppressive. 138,1111.
Appeal from the British House of Com-
mons asleep, to the Hosue of Commons awake, in behalf of
America [pilcrow] 171.
Ancestors our's, the reason of their lea- ving their native Country, and their opinion on leaving the
Kingdom, 230,686,687,1073,1237.
Assemblies Religious, the Number of, in New England. 123.
[diamond] Admiralty Court of special, opened for the trial of a
Pirate. 202.
- - - [[diamond] Admiralty Court of special, ] begin the
Trial. 336.
Admiral Montague, setts out for Rhode Island. 219. Returns. 223.
Attleborough[Attleboro] . See Town of.
Auchmuty Robert, his Letter to Govr. Hutchinson, acquaints
him that his life is in danger. 1154.
Advertisement Issued by the Town of Sudbury against
cheats. 322.
- - - [Advertisement ] of John Langdon's,
to white wash, and blanch; an Irony. 324.
- - - [Advertisement ] of Committee of ways & means for
Poor. 582,653.
- - - [Advertisement ] from Philadelphia,
relative to the Murderer Ebenezer Richardson, to find
him, tar, and feather him. 386.
- - - [Advertisement ] of Treasurer Gray,
forbidding the payment of public monies to Mr. Gardner, appoin- ted Treasurer by the Provincial Congress. 609.
- - - [Advertisement ] of sundries, by different Commit- tees of inspection, to carry to an end the resolves of the
Continental Congress. 633,641,642,653,662,697.
Agent, chosen by the House of Representatives of the
Massachusetts Bay, allowed to be paid. 348.
Ames Levi, sentenced to Death for Burgla- ry . 360. respited for a Week. 376. Executed. 384.
Agreement of the Dealers in Tea, of Bos- ton[Boston] , and Charlestown. 422,437.
- - - [Agreement ] Copy of, for a non consumption of
English Goods, &c. 519.604.606.627.681
See Over
In bottom margin: [pilcrow]See over leaf, page 6, first