Votes, of the Town of Petersham, against Tories. 648.
- - - [Votes] , of the Town of Marblehead, to
form a Militia, pay them, watch the Tories, &c. Ibid.
- - - [Votes] of the same Town, against the addressors to Govr.Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] . 681.
- - - [Votes] of the Representatives of the Province of
Massachusetts Bay, on Govr.Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] , &c. Letters, say they were design'd to subvert the Con- stitution , &c. 303.
- - - [Votes] of the Massachusetts bay
Congress: approve of the behavi- our of several Towns, to the Troops sent by General Gage[Thomas Gage] , to the Town of Marsh field[Marshfield] . 677.
- - - [Votes] of the County of Fre- derick[Frederick] , on the Boston Port Bill, &c. 527.
- - - [Votes] of the County of Wor- cester[Worcester] , relating to the forming themselves into Regiments;
& the Grievances of America, &c. 587.
- - - [Votes] of the County of Cumberland,
on the Grievances of America, &c. 585.
- - - [Votes] of the Province of Ma- ryland[Maryland] , to form a Militia. 641.
- - - [Votes] and recommendations of the Province of
New Hampshire, adopt- ing the Proceedings of the Continental Congress, &c, &c.