Address from an American, to Eng- land , Scotland, &c, on the present state of Af- fairs , owing to a bad Ministry. page 1.
- - - [Address ] From American Solon, to the people of
Great Britian, on the impolitic mea- sure of taxing the Colonies, &c. 15.
- - - [Address ] From a Lady, to the Queen, on the
Oppressions of America. 16.
- - - [Address ] To the free Electors of the Massachusetts Bay, on Govr. Hutchinson's In- dependency , &c.
- - - [Address ] To the free Electors of the Massachusetts bay, in answer to queries rela- tive to Govr. Hutchinson's Independency,
&c. 28.
- - - [Address ] To the free Electors of the Massachusetts bay, urging them to make en- quiry whether Govr. Hutchinson is a legal
Governor. 32.
- - - [Address ] To the same, on the power of Parliament,
&c. 36.
- - - [Address ] To the same, on Govr. Hutchinson's refusing
to let the Court meet, &c 39.
- - - [Address ] From the Commons of Geor- gia[Georgia] to the President. 95.
- - - [Address ] To the People of America,
from an American, urging them to send a Re- monstrance to the King, relative to the Grievances of
America, and if he wont relieve them, to break off from him, and set up a Common
Wealth, &c. 176.
- - - [Address ] To Govr. Hutchinson, draw- ing his political Character, and charging him with aiding Govr. Barnard[Sir Francis Bernard] in enslaving the Co- lonies , and that he had a lust of Avarice, and Am- bition , &c. 246.288.347.
- - - [Address ] To the free Electors of the Massachusetts Bay, urging them on their next choice, to
choose men that will adpot vigorous measures, that we may be freed from difficul- ties that we are involved in. 280.
See Up.
Address. Petition, and Remonstrance of the City of London to the King, on their Grievances. 283
- - - [Address ] to Britain, and
America; offers a Plan. 334.367.
- - - [Address ] To the Tea Commissioners, appoint- ed by the east india Company to act in
America. 383.386.390.
- - - [Address ] of Lord Mayor Bull[Frederick Bull] , to the Livery of London, requesting
their votes for a seat in the House of Commons. 451.
- - - [Address ] From the Merchants, &c, of Boston,
&c, to Govr. Hutchinson, on his going to England. 511.
- - - [Address ] From the Lawyers to the same, on his
departure, &c. 511.
- - - [Address ] From the Merchants, &c
of Marblehead, to the same, on the same. 506.
- - - [Address ] From the Magistrates of the Coun- ty[County] of Middlesex to the same, on the same. 515.
- - - [Address ] From the Merchants, &c,
of Boston, to Govr. Gage, on the Boston port bill.
- - - [Address ] of the Council of the Massachusetts
Bay, to Govr. Gage; which gives of- fence . 516.
- - - [Address ] of the Merchants, &c, of Salem to
Govr. Gage (a pitiful thing.) 516.
- - - [Address ] of Harvard College to Govr. Gage. 517.
- - - [Address ] of the Merchants, and Free- holders of Salem to Govr. Gage, (an excellent one).
- - - [Address ] of the Lawyers, to Govr. Gage. 523.
- - - [Address ] of the Justices of the Sessions, and
Inferior Court for the County of Bristol, to Govr. Gage. 523.
- - - [Address ] of the Judges, and Justices of the
County of Plimouth[Plymouth] , to Govr. Gage. 535.
- - - [Address ] A very sensible one, to the city of
New York, on their divisions, &c. 540.
- - - [Address ] From Jno.[Johannes] in eremo, to Govr. Gage, shewing him the merits of the Massa. Bay, &c. 548.