- - - [Malcom John, ] seizes a Vessel, for
which he was tarred, &c: a particular account of it. 448.
Moorhead John, revd. his Death, and Character. 406.
Medford, see Town of.
Medway, see Town of.
Marchmont Nedham, see under Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] comments on his Letters.
Marshfield Town of. their proceed- ings relative to the Tea, burlesqued. 445.
Maryland House of Repre- sentatives , adopt the measures of the Virginia House: choose
a Committee of Correspondence, &c. 453.
- - - [Maryland House of Repre- sentatives , ] their proceedings respect- ing the Boston Port Bill: resolves, &c, of Anna- polis[Annapolis] , & Queens County in the same Province, 513,530.
- - - [Maryland House of Repre- sentatives , ] the Province of, meet by their deputies:
resolve, &c: choose members for the Congress. 531.
- - - [Maryland House of Repre- sentatives , ] meet by their deputies, vote to have a Militia
formed, &c: will support the Massachusetts Province:
choose members for a new Continental Congress, &c. 646. See State of Maryland.
Murderer, Ebenezer Richardson, let out of Goal , &c, 45.
Murder, Committed by James Bell on his Wife. 225. Brought in guility of Man- slaughter , and branded. 247.
Massacre Boston Anniversary of, &c, celebrated at
Boston, 39,252,460,462,693.
- - - [Massacre ] a memorandum on it at
Salem, where it was celebrated. 48.
Ministers of State, their man- dates or orders, not always from the King. &c, 64.
- - - [Ministers ] of the congregational perswasion in the
Province of Massa.[Massachusetts] Bay, are men of good characters, and are
proper ministers, without ordaination. 221.
- - - [Ministers ] of the Gospel, said to be rulers,
&c, and havea right to a negative vote. 330.
- - - [Ministers ] may be dismissed by the Church without
any advice of Council, as the revd. Mr. Goss was. 355.
Ministry, put up at vendue: their character's, &c. 470.