Junius Americanus, on Governor Oliver[Andrew Oliver] 's perjury, &c, 55.
- - - [Junius Americanus, ] his Letter, censuring Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] , &c, respecting the independancy of the Judges
&c. 267.
- - - [Junius Americanus, ] his Letter to the
Bishop of St. Asaph, on the oppressions of Ameri- ca[America] , &c. 335.
- - - [Junius Americanus, ] his Letter to
Lord Dart- mouth[Dartmouth] , charging him with inattention
to America: on Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] 's Letters, &c, advises him to resign:
insinuates, that the Letter writers ought to have been put to in- stant Death. 366.
Jury Grand for the County of Suffolk wont find a Bill
against the Paper signed Mucius Scaevola: and offer a
paper to the Court relative to the murderer Ebenezer
Richardson, &c, their names. 33.
- - - [Jury Grand ] present a paper to the Court,
respecting the treatment of Jury's in Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] 's Letters, &c; complain of the independancy of
the Judges, 356,360.
- - - [Jury Grand ] for the County of Mid- dlesex[Middlesex] , protest, and resolve against Judge Oliver[Andrew Oliver] 's sitting as a Judge. 479.
- - - [Jury Grand ] of the County of Wor- cester[Worcester] , protest, and resolve on the same. 492,494.
- - - [Jury Grand ] and petty, refuse to be sworn at the
Superior Court: offer their reasons, &c, 566.
- - - [Jury Grand ] of South
Carolina, present as a grievance, the late acts
of parliament. 656.
- - - [Jury Grand ] of New york, address the
Justices of the Sessions, respecting the grievances of
America. 681.
See Up.
Jury, the great importance of being tried by one. 210.
- - - [Jury, ] a precious privilege to Englishmen to have
them. 521.
Juryman, Wm. Mollineaux chosen one: declined serving, as the Jud- ges were independant of the people: see his speech to the Court.
Irish House of Com- mons . See Commons House of, in Ireland.
Instructions to Governor Try- on[William Tryon] , forbidding him to take any pay fro. the House of Representatives, &c, 41.
- - - [Instructions ] from the King, said by Govr.Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] to be a part of the Constitution. 69.
- - - [Instructions ] spirited ones from the Town of
Boston, to their Representatives; take particular no- tice of our oppressions, & Govr.[Governor]Hut- chinson[Thomas Hutchinson] 's independ'cy , &, 83.
- - - [Instructions ] to the Represent- atives of the Town of Roxbury, on the independancy of
the Judges. 189.
- - - [Instructions ] to the Representatives of the Town
of Cambridge, on the same and other grievances. 202.
- - - [Instructions ] to the Representatives of the Town
of Charlestown, on the in- dependancy of the Judges, &c, 211.
- - - [Instructions ] to the Representatives of the Town
of Ipswich, on the same, &c, 217.
- - - [Instructions ] to the Representatives of the Town
of Petersham, on their Grie- vances , &c, 218.
- - - [Instructions ] to the Representatives of the Town
of Marlborough, on the same, &c, 222.