Congress Continent- al , their Letter to the Inhabitants of Canada. 610.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] members for, of the Massachusetts
Bay return home. 611.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] members for another, cho- sen by the Colony of Connecticut. 620.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] members for another, cho- sen by Massachusetts Bay. 627.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] their proceedings relative to sending their
Petition &c. to the King. 624
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] their Letter to the Ame- rican Agents, and to those Colonies who did not send Members before.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] members for another, cho- sen by the Province of Pennsylvania. 641.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] members for another, cho- sen by the Colony of Rhode Island. 634.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] members for another, cho- sen by the Province of Maryland. 646.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] their Petition to the King. 656.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] the first Continental one, a free
Representation of America: the Characters of those who
composed it, &c. 660.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] members for another chosen by the Province of
New Jersey. 664.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] members for another, chosen by the Province of Newhamp- shire[New Hampshire] . 680.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] their Proceedings much admired in
England: their petition recd. by the King, who promises to lay it before the Parliament
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] members for another chosen by the Province of
Georgia. 707.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] members for another, cho- sen by the Representatives of the low- wer counties, in Pennsylvania. 708.
See Up.
Congress Continent- al , members for another, chosen by the Province of South
Carolina. 708.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] choose Dr. Franklin a Member. 735.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] take affidavits, respect- ing the Lexington Fight. 737,747.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] Advise New York how to behave, in
case any more troops ar- rive . 739.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] choose John Han- cock[Hancock] , President. 746.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] resolve to stop importation to sundry places.
747,750: Respect- ing Bills of Exchange drawn by any British Officer. 751.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] address the Canadi- ans on the taking Tieconderago[Ticonderoga ] . 756.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] Order a Continental Fast. Ibid.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] Appoint several Ge- nerals . 761.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] Resolves respecting the restraining Acts,
&c. 770.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] their declaration, respect- ing taking up Arms. 771.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] address the Inhabitants of G. Britain, on the Colonies taking up Arms. &c.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] adjourn: an account of some of the business
transacted. 785.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] address to the people of Ireland,
on the commencement of hosti- lities . 787.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] their Petition to the Kind. 781.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] their comments on the report of the House of
Commons's conciliatory motion respecting America. 795.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] their resolve, relative to exportation to
Isle of Man, or any other part of the British
Dominions, &c. 798.
- - - [Congress Continent- al , ] their Account of an expedition to St. Johns, &c. 811.