MHS Visitor Bag Search Policy


The purpose of this Visitor Bag Search Policy is to ensure the safety and security of all individuals within the society premises by regulating the search of visitor bags under the discretion of the Director of Safety and Security.


This policy applies to all visitors entering the Society's premises.

  1. Bag Search Procedure
    • The Director of Safety and Security or their designated security personnel may conduct bag searches on visitors entering and exiting the society premises.
    • Bag searches will be conducted in a respectful and non-discriminatory manner.
    • Visitors will be informed that bag searches are a condition of entry to the premises.
  2. Grounds for Bag Search
    • Bag searches may be conducted if there is reasonable suspicion that a visitor may be carrying prohibited items or substances that pose a threat to the safety and security of individuals within the society premises.
    • Bag searches may also be conducted as a random security measure to deter potential threats.
    • There is reasonable suspicion of theft, unauthorized possession of society property, or any other violation of society policies.
  3. Prohibited Items
    • Visitors are prohibited from bringing weapons, explosives, illegal substances, or any other items deemed dangerous or disruptive into the society premises.
    • Any prohibited items found during a bag search will be confiscated, and appropriate action will be taken in accordance with the law.
  4. Documentation
    • The Director of Safety and Security or their designated security personnel will maintain records of bag searches conducted, including the date, time, reason for the search, and outcome.
    • Records of bag searches will be kept confidential and stored securely.
  5. Compliance
    • Visitors are required to comply with bag searches as a condition of entry to the society premises.
    • Refusal to comply with a bag search may result in denial of entry to the premises.
  6. Review and Updates
    • This Visitor Bag Search Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
    • Any updates or revisions to the policy will be communicated to all relevant parties.

This policy is subject to the discretion of the Director of Safety and Security and may be implemented as deemed necessary for the safety and security of the society premises.

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