Online: Massachusetts Maps
Clough's Oversize 1798 Atlas
Clough's Atlas 1798 Property Owners of the Town of Boston
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These 12 oversize atlas plates, part of an uncompleted atlas by Samuel Clough (1873-1949), depict Boston and its property owners in 1798. The information contained within these atlas plates is based on information Clough obtained from the Direct Tax Census of 1798. Some of these oversize atlas plates appear to be finished and include the title of the atlas, Clough's Atlas 1798: Property Owners of the Town of Boston, and/or a key that distinguishes the different types of boundary lines and explains how colors are used to indicate the materials used for buildings (stone, brick, timber, etc.). A few of these oversize atlas plates are drafts or working copies, made in pencil or in ink with minimal details. It is unclear whether this atlas was created before, after, or concurrently with Clough's 60-page atlas, Atlas of Boston neighborhoods based on the Direct Tax Census of 1798.

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Beacon Hill areabh image 1bh image 2 bh image 3 |
Long Wharf and Dock Square areaBowdoin Sq. area (lw image 1)Brattle Sq. area (lw image 2) Dock Sq. area (lw image 3) | OS plate with index for image 3 Long Wharf (lw image 4) |
North End areane image 1ne image 2 ne image 3 ne image 4 |