A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Petition of John Winthrop, Jr., to the Massachusetts General Court1
Winthrop, John, Jr. Massachusetts Bay Company General Court


To the honored Govenour and generall court assembled at Boston
the humble petition of John Winthrop iunr.

Whereas there was a motion formerly by this honored Court for the beginning a plantation about Pequott, and the Court expressed themselves desirous, that some would appeare in it, your petitioner being desirous to promote so good a worke (and having formerly discovered some quantity of 466the best sort of Iron Ston that hath yet beene discovered lying convenient to be wrought in those parts), doth desire leave to make a plantation in those parts at or neere Pequott, with such fitting workemen, and others, that may present themselves, and to lay out such a convenient place for an Iron-worke as is fitting according to the grant of this court for the incouraging of Iron-workes the last court, and doth desire such liberties as are necessary, and other far remote plantations doe inioy.

28th 4th mo. 1644

The Magistrates desire the consent of the Deputies herein.

John Endecot, governour

The house of Deputies do consent to this petition, provided, that fit men appeare to carrey on the plantation within three yeares next ensuing.

Stephen Winthrope by order of the house Vera Copia Witnes Increase Nowell Secret.

W. 2. 171; 4 Collections VI. 517.

Order of the Massachusetts General Court on the Petition of John Winthrop, Jr.1
Massachusetts Bay Company General Court


Vpon the petition of mr. John Winthrop iunr. exhibited to this Courte, for leave to make a plantation att or neere Pequott, it is ordered that the said petition is granted, and that the petitioner shall have liberty to make a plantation in the said Pequott Country, with such others as shall present themselves to joyne in the said plantation, and they shall enioy such liberties as are necessary, and other far remote plantations doe inioy and also to lay out a convenient place for Ironworkes, provided that a convenient number of fitt persons to carry on the said plantation doe appeare to prosecute the same within three yeares.

Dated 28th 4th mo. 1644 Per Curiam Increase Nowell Secret.

Endorsed by John Winthrop, Jr.: order of court about making plantation at Pequot.


W. 2. 172; 4 Collections , VI. 517–518.