A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Abraham Shurt to John Winthrop1
Shurt, Abraham JW


To the Right Worshipfull John Winthrop Gouernour of the Baye of Messthusett deliver
Pemaquid the 16th of Julye 1638 Worshipfull,

My dutye remembred ettc. Att my cominge from the Baye to Richmonds Iland I sent the first bill of exchange for the 100s and the 2d by the waye of Bristoll, and arrivinge hither I received a lettre from Mr. Elbridge in which he writes that he had received 100s of Sir Rich: Saltonstall in part of the bill of exchange and dammadge, and now I haue written vnto him to retourne the bills agayne, beinge confident that he will without presentinge them: and to that ende I haue sent vnto Mr. Mayhew that he may forbeare the payment of it to Mr. Ballard. Had I knowne of the receipt of the 100s I would not haue sent the bills for England not presentinge elce at present, I take leaue and rest ever Your Worships to command

Abraham Shurt

W. 2. 182; 4 Collections , VI. 572. For Shurt, see 4 Collections , VI. 570n.

Roger Williams to John Winthrop1
Williams, Roger JW


For his much honoured and beloued Mr. John Wintrop at his howse in Boston these
Prouidence 23 5th 1638

2 dayes since I was bold to present you with a line, and still (so it pleaseth the most High) I am occasioned againe to be a constant trouble etc.

These your Worships Servants visiting me in their Travell, I enquire after your Runnawayes: The man sayth he hath much to relate to your selfe, and wanting vtterance desires me to write. He sayth he hath enquired much after the Runnawayes and vnderstands for certaine that they are all at Monhiggin.

That the Flight was long since plotted, for he hath now heard by a Pequot that came from Monhiggin, that the 10 Monhiggins which came to your Worship in the Spring to buy one of the maidens and offered 10 fathom of Beades, came from Onkas who intended that maide for his wife.

That he gaue order to those 10 men, that (in case they could not buy her) 47they should leaue one man there at your Howse to perswade and worck their Escape.

That man was the Pequt Robin (Causa Senamut) who hath effected his busines for which (as he heares) Onkas promised him and hath giuen him the 10 fathom of wompam.

Onkas hath taken the 2 daughters Marie and Jane both to wife and sayth that now he hath done sending of presents to Massachuset.

Repriue was promised Joane by the Old Squaw for the futherance of the busines and hath her He advised their Escape by Neepmuck, because once before, escaping through the Narigansett Countrey, himselfe was sent back, by the Nariganset Sachims.

This man thincks allso that no Indian meanes will be able to effect their Returne, but that the English must fetch them: It will be your Worships wisedome to forecast so much and to prepare (Captaine Patrick and many more may be occasioned to fetch theirs allso) yet I request your Worships patience a few dayes.

Sir this young man who comes along is this Womans Nephew an ingenuous sober fellow, one of my long acquaintance (whome I called Oldway as his Indian name (Necawnimeyat) signifies) he tells me he hath a good mind to abide one yeare with these his Friends in your Worships Service I incourage him and present him to your Wisedome and pity, not knowing but that the purpose of the only wise and most pitifull God may be toward him for good. Vnto the euerflowing streames of the most holy fountaine of Living Waters (whose Drops are able to refresh and saue worlds of wandring Soules) I heartily recommend your Worship, your dearest Companion, and all yours, Grieuing That I dare be no more Your Worships

R: Williams

W. 2. 106; 4 Collections , VI. 231–233; N.C. , VI. 108–109.