A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

John Endecott to John Winthrop1
Endecott, John JW JW


To the right Worshipfull John Winthrop Esqr. Gouernour at Boston deliver
Dearest Sir,

I humblie and heartilie thanck you for your last lettre of newes and for the trees you sent mee. I receaued your lettre lately and the trees I cannot yet heare of, but I hope I shall. I haue sent 2 or 3 tymes about them, and I cannot yet heare of them, The messenger you sent them by being gon to sea. I haue not sent you any trees because I heard not from you. But I haue trees for you, If you please to accept of them whensoeuer you shall send. I thinck it is to late to sett or remoue. I could wish you to remoue in the latter end of the yeare your trees, and I pray you send mee what you want, and I will supply what I can. My Children burnt mee at least 500 trees this spring by setting the ground on fire neere them I cannot send you any newes, but that your Sister is recouering a pace out of her sicknes as Mrs. Gott who kept her told mee yesterday. I shall I hope see her this day my selfe againe. I heard you were not verie well. I desire the Lord to strenghthen you to the worke hee hath called you vnto and to restore you to your health. I 456vnderstand that Mr. Otely hath a suite with our deacons for some goods that Morecruft left with Mr. Peters which Otely sais Mr. Humfry bought of him, but I thinck it will appeare that Mr. Peters hath bought them and paid for them: If you please therefore to stay the suite till Mr. Peter come ouer, who we hope will be heere this spring, I thinck it will not be amisse, For Mr. Otely is upon going away, and is turning euery stone to get something, For hee is poore and is like to be poorer in the courses hee is in. We haue heere diuers that are taken with Gortons opinions, which is a great griefe vnto vs, and Mr. Norrice is verie much troubled. There is one of them that hath reviled Mr. Norrice and spoken euill of the Church. I thought good to aduize with you whither it were not best to bynde the partie ouer to Boston Court, to make such a one exemplarie, that others might feare, For assuredly both with you and with vs and in other places, that heresie doeth spread which at length may proue dangerous. The Lord in mercie keepe you to whose grace I commend you and rest Yours euer to be commanded

Jo: Endecott Salem the 22th of the 2d mo. 1644

Sir, Since I wrot my Lettre, Mr. Norrice came to mee to tell mee, that hee heard that The Lady Moody hath written to you to giue her aduice for her returne. I shall desire that shee may not haue aduice to returne to this Jurisdiccion vnlesse shee will acknowledge her euill in opposing the Churches, and leaue her opinions behinde her, For shee is a dangerous woeman. My brother Ludlow writt to mee that by meanes of a booke shee sent to Mrs. Eaton, shee questions her owne baptisme and it is verie doubtefull whither shee will be reclaymed, shee is so farre ingaged.2 The Lord rebuke Satan the aduersarie of our soules.

Memorandum by Governor Winthrop: Jo Bibble victualler for Natascut.


W. 2. 77; 4 Collections , VI. 146–147.


Cf. Journal, II. 126; also printed in D.J.W. at 462 .