A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Roger Williams to John Winthrop1
Williams, Roger JW


For his much honoured and beloved Mr. Governour of Massachusetts, these

I perceive by these your last thoughts, that you have received many accusations and hard conceits of this poor native Miantunnomu, wherein I see the vain and empty puff of all terrene promotions, his barbarous birth or greatness being much honoured, confirmed and augmented (in his own conceit) by the solemnity of his league with the English and his more than ordinary entertainment, etc. now all dashed in a moment in the frowns of such in whose friendship and love lay his chief advancement.

Sir, of the particulars, some concern him only, some Caunounicus and the rest of the sachims, some all the natives, some myself.

For the sachims, I shall go over speedily, and acquaint them with particulars. At present, let me still find this favour in your eyes, as to obtain an hearing, for that your love hath never denied me, which way soever your judgment hath been (I hope and I know you will one day see it) and been carried.

Sir, let this barbarian be proud and angry and covetous and filthy, hating and hateful, (as we ourselves have been till kindness from heaven pitied us, etc.) yet let me humbly beg relief, that for myself, I am not yet turned Indian, to believe all barbarians tell me, nor so basely presumptuous as to trouble the eyes and hands of such (and so honoured and dear) with shadows and fables. I commonly guess shrewdly at what a native utters, and, to my remembrance, never wrote particular, but either I know the bottom of it, or else I am bold to give a hint of my suspense.


Sir, therefore in some things at present (begging your wonted gentleness toward my folly) give me leave to show you how I clear myself from such a lightness.

I wrote lately (for that you please to begin with) that some Pequts, (and some of them actual murderers of the English, and that also after the fort cut off) were now in your hands. Not only love, but conscience, forced me to send, and speedily, on purpose, by a native, mine own servant. I saw not, spake not with Miantunnomu, nor any from him. I write before the All-seeing Eye. But thus it was. A Nanhiggontick man (Awetipimo) coming from the bay with cloth, turned in (as they use to do) to me for lodging. I questioned of Indian passages, etc. He tells me Okace was come with near upon forty natives. I asked what present he brought. He told me, that Cutshamoquene had four fathom and odd of him, and forty was for Mr. Governour. I asked him, how many Pequts. He told me six. I asked him, if they were known. He said Okace denied that there were any Pequts, and said they were Monahiggens all. I asked, if himself knew any of them. He answered, he did, and so did other Indians of Nanhiggontick. I asked, if the murderer of whom I wrote, Pametesick, were there. He answered, he was, and (I further inquiring) he was confident it was he, for he knew him as well as me, etc.

All this news (by this providence) I knew before ever it came to Nanhiggontick. Upon this I sent, indeed fearing guilt to mine own soul, both against the Lord and my countrymen. But see a stranger hand of the Most and Only Wise. Two days after, Okace passeth by within a mile of me (though he should have been kindly welcome.) One of his company (Wequaumugs) having hurt his foot, and disabled from travel, turns in to me; whom lodging, I question, and find him by father a Nanhiggontick, by mother a Monahiggon, and so freely entertained by both. I further inquiring, he told me he went from Monahiggon to the bay with Okace. He told me how he had presented forty fathom (to my remembrance) to Mr. Governour, (four and upwards to Cutshamoquene,) who would not receive them, but asked twice for Pequts. At last, at Newtown, M. Governour received them, and was willing that the Pequts should live, such as were at Monahiggon, subject to the English sachims at Qunnihticut, to whom they should carry tribute, and such Pequts as were at Nanhiggontick to Mr. Governour, and all the runaways at Monahigganick to be sent back. I asked him, how many Pequts were at Nanhiggontick. He said, but two, who were Miantunnomue's captives, and that at Nayantaquit with Wequash Cook were about three score. I asked, why he said the Indians at Nanhiggontick were to be the governour's subjects. He said, because Nayantaquit was sometimes so called, although there hath 41been of late no coming of Nanhiggontick men thither. I asked him, if he heard all this. He said, that himself and the body of the company staid about Cutshamoquene's. I asked, how many Pequts were amongst them. He said six. I desired him to name them, which he did thus: Pametesick, Weeaugonhick, (another of those murderers) Makunnete, Kishkontuckqua, Sausawpona, Qussaumpowan, which names I presently wrote down, and (pace vestra dixerim) I am as confident of the truth, as that I breathe. Again, (not to be too bold in all the particulars at this time,) what a gross and monstrous untruth is that concerning myself, which your love and wisdom to myself a little espy, and I hope see malice and falsehood (far from the fear of God) whispering together? I have long held it will-worship to doff and don to the Most High in worship; and I wish also that, in civil worship, others were as far from such a vanity, though I hold it not utterly unlawful in some places. Yet surely, amongst the barbarians, (the highest in the world,) I would rather lose my head than so practise, because I judge it my duty to set them better copies, and should sin against mine own persuasions and resolutions.

Sir, concerning the islands Prudence and (Patmos, if some had not hindered) Aquedenick, be pleased to understand your great mistake: neither of them were sold properly, for a thousand fathom would not have bought either, by strangers. The truth is, not a penny was demanded for either, and what was paid was only gratuity, though I chose, for better assurance and form, to call it sale.

And, alas! (though I cannot conceive you can aim at the sachims) they have ever conceived, that myself and Mr. Coddington (whom they knew so many years a sachim at Boston) were far from being rejected by yourselves, as you please to write, for if the Lord had not hid it from their eyes, I am sure you had not been thus troubled by myself at present. Yet the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof. His infinite wisdom and pity be pleased to help you all, and all that desire to fear his name and tremble at his word in this country, to remember that we all are rejected of our native soil, and more to mind the many strong bands, with which we are all tied, than any particular distastes each against other, and to remember that excellent precept, Prov. 25, If thine enemy hunger, feed him, etc.; for thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and Jehovah shall reward thee; unto whose mercy and tender compassions I daily commend you, desirous to be more and ever Your worship's unfeigned and faithful

Roger Williams Ca. June 14, 1638 42

Sir, mine own and wife's respective salutes to your dear companion and all yours; as also to Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, and other loving friends.

I am bold to enclose this paper, although the passages may not be new, yet they may refresh your memories in these English-Scotch distractions, etc.


Original not located (see Winthrop Papers, III. 412, n. 1); 3 Collections , I. 166–169; N.C. , VI. 101–106.