A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

William Coddington to John Winthrop1
Coddington, William JW


Honnored Sir

I doe thankefully acknowledge your loue vnto mee in your kind profer to my agent mr. Jer. Clarke to return to me my runn a way servant, Tho. Jonnes in case hee could haue bene found. I shall be redy to bee commaunded by yow in the licke or wherin I may heare. Now deare Sir for soe yow haue bene to mee, as sollomon sayth, ther is a frind that torn nearer then a brother! oh, that the nearnes of that relation had never bene vyolated. but wee are men, and so wee shew ourselues, some tymes deifying of men and ordenances, other whyle vylefying of them. the lord hath let mee see the vanetye of my owne spirit, and need of attending of him in all his ordenances, but I cannot inlardge the meassinger staying. my desire is, that that anchent loue which much watters cannot quench, may bee renewed, and in token wherof, that yow would recaiue, at my hands, a smale rememberance therof, in a vessell of beefe, for your winter provishon, which is not yet redy but aginest that tyme by some pinnice that cometh this way, shall be sent vnto yow. though the thing bee not worth the mentioning betweene vs, yet because I remember your loueing excusseing of your nonacceptance (of my profer in this kind att my departuer) so as it did not nore doth not take any Impreshon of vnkindnes with mee, and I hope that which wos then a ground to yow is remoued, yet I desire yow fully to satisefye mee heare in, If it (or rather I) may thus fare fynd acceptance with yow. not other at present, with the rememberance of my loue and my wife to your selfe and yours with all that remember vs I rest, your assuered loving frind

Wm. Coddington Newport, mo. 4. 12, 1643

W. 2. 129; 4 Collections , VI. 318–319.

Edward Winslow to John Winthrop1
Winslow, Edward JW



I have deferred writing many times in hope of time to enlarge myselfe to you, but never more streightned then at present, yet ashamed to withhold any longer, but I pray you pardon my brevity. Concerning the Vnion2 our Majestrates and Deputies approue well of what is done, and two of our townes passed it before the Court; vizt. Plimoth and Marshfield: the rest of 394the Deputies carried it from the Court to their townes to be confirmed, none doubting of it, and with order to returne their votes this moneth, so that there is no doubt of our thorow close with you therein.

Concerning the cattle, I sent the fiue cowes, a two yeare old heyfer, and a yearling steer, by Roe according to your order, but one of the cows calved two daies before, and he would not take the calfe with him but left it, which was prised at 7s, another calfe at 14s, and two other calues at 36s, and the two yeare old heyfer at 3li 15s, which in all amounted to 6li 12s, the just sum which was due to me for the wintering of those seaven beasts: Mr. Bulkley affirming that but to make even money he would not haue yielded to so much. And for the skin of the beast that miscaried at winter I allow 13s 4d for it, which was due to me upon the former devision. I would haue enlarged but the tide is almost spent, and I haue other letters must needs write, and so hope you will excuse me who saluting you in the Lord Jesus take leave and remaine Yours to his power

Edw: Winslow Careswell 13 (4) 43

Mr. Collier and my selfe chosen Commissioners to confirme, and so for the following season.


Original not located; 4 Collections , VI. 173.


I.e., Articles of Confederation.