A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4Note: you've followed an index reference to a note that, due to changes between the print and digital editions, may no longer be on page 379. Please look at all notes at the end of the document or documents on page 379.

Agreement between Elizabeth Gore and John Winthrop, Jr.1
Gore, Elizabeth Winthrop, John, Jr.


This witnesseth that itt is agreed betwixt John Wintrop and Elisabeth Goore that shee is willing to refer herselfe wholy to his disposing and prouiding of a place for her as hee in his Iudgment shall thinke good: and that shee doth wholly submitt herself to him as a freind to take care for her dis­379posing in witnes hereof shee hath hearevnto sett her hand this 20 day of may 1643.

Elizabeth Goore

Endorsed by John Winthrop, Jr. Eliz. Gores note and, in another place: Servants indentures.


W. 1. 151.

Joshua Foote to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Foote, Joshua Winthrop, John, Jr.


London this 20th of May 1643 Mr. Winthrope,

I comend me vnto you etc. herinclossed is my accounte of my disburstements and layings oute and besides my 100li as I haue your acquitance For and besides the 50li mr. Folly haue acquitance For it there Rest due to me From you that I ame to Racaiue of you in mony Just 9li which nine pounds I pray leaue out For me and besides if you will haue som stonnes bought leaue 5 or 6li mor to by and pay For and about Charges For stones land I pray 5li in mony with my man if I be not at home, and desier mr. docter child to leaue that 10li with me that he is to paye you For if you make accunte that I shall prouyd stones and do bisnes and send them after you you must leaue me mony to do it with all my paynes which I vallue at a grat Rate in Raspicte of such a multitud of bissnes of min owne as I haue vppon me, yet not withstanding now I haue begon to set affoot into this bisnes it shall not perrish For want of what assistance that I can giue to it in Raspect of my time. now For these 3 workemen and the Founder sonn I haue Fitted theme with all there weekly alowance For there diate and logging and have payd them tell mundaye next so if thay be not taken in to the ship diate a tusdaye next then you must alowe them the 3 men 12d a peece a day and the boye 6d a daye tell thay be enttrtayned a ship bord, and with all the much grombell because that thay haue layne so longe here and haue lost ther laber and haue had but bare 12d a day for ther diote and loging which thay say thay haue spent all and more. so I tould them that I would writ to you to giue them som thing towards it which I pray do I thinke about 10s a peece will plase them and 5 or 6s the boye and tell them when thay com in new England that when you se som good proced and proffit com in of the workes that you will further Raward them. all the other 3 men are Runawaye I pray see that these 3 men and boye 380haue good bedes bought them and that thay have all acomendation in the shipe that you can posibly aford them to kept them in health. I praye giue them good Raspict so for present I rest yours to vse

Joshua Foote

now I laue these workemen to your musry laue sombody to tend vppon them to acompany them to graues End to diricte them to and in the ship tell you are settled at sa with them you ware best to gitt som new England man and giue him 5s to acompeny these men tell thay be settled aship bord.


W. 1. 154. For an earlier document in the Winthrop Papers relating to Joshua Foote, a London ironmonger, see Winthrop Papers, III. 208–209.