A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Henry Waltham To John Winthrop1
Waltham, Henry JW


To the Woorshipfull John Winthrp Esq. Assistant of Newe England deliver in Boston

Maye it please you, I Receaued yours sente mee by Mistris Richards. perseaing of some mise Information of my vnwillingnes 310to pease, I should bee sorrie to profes vnto yow desire of pease, yf it wheare not sinceare, Althoughe my aydge and condition did not calle for it. I haue euer bine vnwilling to bee contentious, much les to nurrishe it. I doubte not but what yow shall here From An Envious persone, shalbe more then this loue, which out of your Innate goodnes maye bee Abused by A longe tonge, ore pen, vntle yow heare both. I doe truly profes vnto yow, I haue Indeauored all I cane for pease; my sealfe and my sonne hauing soffered much with patiance, which ill natures, for private ends (Joyned with pride and Malles) the more Insulte, Roling downe ther power one the deiected, presuming (As it semes) one ther wealth, and I conseaue not without Abusing, in sayeing shee had power giuen her to detayne the Tolle Corne since my sonne deceased, and would not lett vs haue halfe a busall of Corne to make vs Breade, but constrayned to borrowe it. I haue bine soe fare from Reviling her, that I often goe from her, and giue her noe Answare, althoughe shee continewes Ralling, which wilbe to troblesome to Relate att presante. Wheras I am charged to Incoureadge our servants, ore suffer them to carrie them sealfes scournefull to wards her I neuer did, Althoughe shee hath often Abused them, not with ill termes only, but in striking, and distorbing them in ther bussines, vnbeseming a moddeste woamanes carreadge, I should humblie beseace yow to here the differance betwixt vs, and then yow will soune Judge whoe ys in Faulte. I was laste weake with her aboute the deviding the howse, which shee Refuseth to doe, and since I receaued yours haue written her, yf shee please to permit Mr. Neweman, Mr. Parker and Goodman Batts to devide it, maye saue her Jurnie, and refer all other things to the Maiestrates.2 ther are some that would Rente, and some that would buye the Mill, but none will Joine with her, and shee will doe nothing but what shee please her sealfe, wherfore I shall desire some ouer Ruling power maye order it, not doubtting As yow will not see her wronged, soe yow will see shee maye not doe wrong Especially to one in soe dessolate Condition, wherof I am Confidente, doe hartely praye the allmightie to continewe your long lyfe to his Glorie the Contries good and your owne Eternall Hapines, vnto whose protection I leaue yow, and euer reste Your poore freind in all obseruance

Henry Waltham Waymouth, the 25th of the 11 month 1640/41

W. 4. 110; 5 Collections , I. 311–313.


For the action of the Court of Assistants in the disputes between Henry Waltham and Welthian, wife of Thomas Richards, see Records of Massachusetts, I. 313.