A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Edward Hopkins to John Winthrop1
Hopkins, Edward JW


To the Worshipfull his much Respected freind Jno. Winthroppe Esqr. att his house in Boston deliver
Hartford the 25° of 7i 1640 Sir,

There was about 9 weeks since a suspitious fellow came into these parts, whom wee then examined and tooke order for his forthcomming when we should heare further concerning him. Since which wee haue vnderstood 288from Mr. Hatherley that he is a servant of his and ran away from him he desires he might be sent backe and directed to your selfe which accordingly I haue now done. the mony which he hath earned since his coming into these parts hath beene for the most part layd out by him in apparrell which he hath with him the rest I conceaue will scarcely suffice to pay for his passage.

I haue by the same pinnace also sent a small bundle of apparell and a white hatt which belongs to two Boyes of Mr. Thomas, who were returned backe to him. I pray you be pleased either to giue him some notice of it that he may send for it or to cause it to be sent to Mr. Bradford att Plymouth.

I shall not trouble you further att present but with remembrance of my best respects to your selfe and our other freinds there, doe take my leaue Resting Yours in what I may

Edwa. Hopkins

W. 2. 133; 4 Collections , VI. 333–334. For Hopkins, see D.A.B.

John Taylor to John Winthrop1
Taylor, John JW


To the Righte Worshipfull Mr. John Wintrope these be delivred I praye att his house in Boston
Righte Worshipfull,

my servise remembred Vnto your selfe and Mrs. Wintrope, with many kind thankes for your last loue shewed to me att Boston att you house.

These are to intreate you to send vp those goods I left with you, by Goodman Grafton, or Goodman Codmore this returne I praye. if anye of the Caskes bee not hedded I praye lett me intreate soe much that you would bee pleased to lett some of your men to see them mended and putt into the pinnes.

soe at this time I leave you with my servise remembrd to your Worshipe and rest yours to Comande in anye servise that I maye to my power

John Taylor From Connecticutt this 28th of september 1640

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: Jo: Taylor for Jo: Tinkers goods.


W. 1. 136. The following memorandum by Governor Winthrop, written on the verso of this letter, appears to have no connection with it:

“1000 acres vpon Shawshin river with 100 acres of meadow and the rest of such lands as the next Courte will to the house there, with liberty of fishing in a great pond lying about a mile and a half to the west of the said River; and that I may haue leaue to take the rest in some other place where it may be found.”