A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Inquest on the Body of William Richards1
JW Massachusetts Bay Company General Court


An Inquisition taken at Boston the 15th daye of the 7th mo: 1640 vpon the veiw of the bodye of Willm. Richards lyinge dead vpon the Oathes of 12 freemen herevnder named, before John Winthrop one of the magistrats of this Jurisdiction as followethe

The Jury doe present that the said Wm. Richards, not havinge God before his eyes, but beinge seduced by the malice and instigation of the devill in and vpon the 14 daye of this 7th monthe in the after noone did enter into an 286outhouse of one Tho: Buttolfe his master and there with a rope which he fastned to one of the rafters or purleynes of the said house, and tyinge the other ende thereof about his neck he hanged and strangled himself and so the Jury doe find that he murdered himself and was guilty of his owne deathe.

Jo: Winthop Edward Hutchinson Robert Scott Samuell Sharman Edward Belcher Rychard Hogge Thomas Scotto James Euerill Richard Cooke Hughe Gunison George Burdon Nathaniel Heaton Arthr Pery

W. 4. 167; 5 Collections , I. 489–490. The body of the document is in the handwriting of Governor Winthrop.

Thomas Mayhew to John Winthrop1
Mayhew, Thomas JW


To the worshipfull Jno: Wynthropp senior Esquire

It hath beene three times published at Water towne meetinge howse that this Bearer Richard Gale and Mary Castle intended to enter into a Couenaunt of marriadge not haueing els I Rest Your worshipps to Command

Thomas Mayhew Water towne the 16th of the 7th 1640

W. 1. 136.

Propositions Concerning Evidence of God's Love1
Allen, Rev. John (d. 1671) Weld, Thomas Eliot, John Burr, Jonathan Mather, Richard Phillips, John Shepard, Thomas Wilson, John


1: A Christian may have (vpon the manifestation of Gods free grace in the offer of the Gospell) some Comfort and staye of heart, by restinge vpon it: alltho he hath as yet no grace in himself.

2: A man can have no Evidence or Assurance of Gods special loue to his soule before he doe beleeve in Christ.

3: After a man dothe beleeve there is a testimony of Gods spirit touching a mans good estate.

4: This testimony of the spirit is given only to beleevers, and suche as are adopted by Faith.


5: The most vsuall Testimony of the Spirit is togither with our Spirits, or by the sight of Graces.

6: A Christian not doubting but supposing and takinge it for granted that he hath Grace in himself, may have Testimony of Gods love by the Spirit, without present actuall reasoninge or mindinge of his Graces.

7: To a Christian doubtinge of his Grace or not knowinge it, there is no Testimony of Gods loue by the Spirit, without cleeringe vp in some measure of the truth of his Graces allso, either precedent or concommitant togither with the wittnesse of Gods love.

8: A Christian (by neare and immediate revelation of Gods love to him) dothe not thereby see his faith and sanctification, without experience by the helpe of the Word and Spirit of the truethe of their worke in his soule.

9: That the Testimony of Gods love which is not conferred by following Grace is not the wittness of Gods Spirit but a delusion.

10: There is no testimony of the Spirit in illegible that is without the word, either in the lettre or sence thereof.

11: When the Spirit wittnesses Gods loue by the word in the sence of it, yet this testimony is to be tryed by the written word: that so it may be discerned to be indeed a testimony of the Spirit, and not a delusion. We conceive that these are agreeable to the truthe.

Jo: Philipps Tho: Weld Jo: Allen Tho: Sheppard Rich. Mather Jo: Burre Jo: Willson Jo: Eliot Roxbury (7) 23. 40

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: About Evidence etc.


W. 4. 168; 5 Collections , I. 490–491. This document, including the signatures, is a copy in the handwriting of Governor Winthrop.