A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Roger Williams to John Winthrop1
Williams, Roger JW


Prouidence, 21. 5, 1640 Much honoured Sir,

Your Runnawayes (as I before surmised) are at Monhiggin and the Squa Sachims daughter is married to the Sachim Onkas. I know the match hath bene long desired (although the Sachim hath 5 or 6 wiues allready) which makes me feare that all Indian meanes will not reach your iust desires: May you please to rest a litle for Miantunnomu (as he pretends out of loue and respect to your Person) is very diligent about a peaceable returne of them that he may bring them with him and as many more of the Runnawayes as he can gett. Onkas was gone to Qunnihticut so that a litle patience is requisite.

Sir This you may please to signifie to your much honoured brother Mr. Gouernour2 that this busines only hinders Miantunnomues Comming. He is (not satisfied but) perswaded to trust to Interpreters whom he feares to trust, and to come without my selfe.

As allso may you please to vnderstand that the Nayantaquit Sachims still refusing to yeald vp any of those Pequts to death to whome they had promised Life: Our Friends of Qunticut (as I haue heard by 2 letters from Tho: Stanton) intend present Revenge vpon them: Caunounicus and Miantunnomu still perswade (to mine owne knowledge) the Sachims at last to be wise and yeald vp their Pequts, but in vaine For the Nayantaquit Sachims resolue that for so many liues as are taken away by the English or the Monhiggins and Pequts with them they will take revenge vpon Mr. Throckmorton at Prudence, or Mr. Coddington etc. or Prouidence or elsewhere.

I haue dealt with Caunounicus and Miantunnomu to desert the Nayantaquits in this busines. They answer they would if they had shedd the bloud of the English, but as they are their Brethren so they neuer hurt the English, but ioyned with them against the Pequts etc. Only they haue bene greedie vpon the Prey against the English mind: and lastly they say the English Partialitie to all the Pequts at Monhiggin is so great and the Consequences so grieuous vpon the Abuse of the English Loue, that all their Arguments returne back (which they vse to the Nayantaquit Sachims) as Arrowes from a stone wall.

Tho: Stanton informes me of another cause of Warr vpon the Nayantaquits 270viz: Wequash affirmes that one of the petie Sachims of Nayantaquit was aboord Mr. Oldams pinnace, and that some goods and gold are at Nayantaquit. Gold I neuer heard of but the Pinnace Skiff and other Luggage and small particulars I had word of at first which were (by reason of distance) let alone: and in case that any one of the Sachims or more knew of Mr. Oldams death and that due Evidence be found, I yet doubt (now since the Comming of the Lord Jesus and the Period of the Nationall Church) whether any other vse of Warr and Arms be lawfull to the professours of the Lord Jesus but in Execution of Justice vpon malefactors at home: or preseruing of life and liues in defenciue warr as was vpon the Pequts etc. Isay, 2. Mic. 4.

If the sword rage in Old or New E: I know who giues out the Commission, and can arme Frogs, Flies, Lice etc. He be pleased to giue vs Peace which Earth neither giues nor takes. In him I euer desire to be more vnfaigned and faythfull Your Worships

Roger Williams

W. 2. 114; 4 Collections , VI. 263–264; N.C. , VI. 137–139.


This reference to Thomas Dudley fixes the date of this letter as 1640, in which year Dudley was Governor. By the time he again held that office (1645), Miantunnomoh, who figures prominently in this letter, was dead.

John Endecott to John Winthrop1
Endecott, John JW


Dearest Sir,

Hearing of the remarkeable stroake of Gods hand vppon the shippe and shipps companie of Bristoll,2 as also of some Atheisticall passages and hellish profanations of the Sabbaths and deridings of the people and wayes of God, I thought good to desire a word or two of you of the trueth of what you haue heard: Such an extraordinary Iudgment would be searched into what Gods meaninge is in it, both in respect of those whom it concernes more espetiallie in England, as also in regard of ourselues: God will be honred in all dealings. We haue heard of seuerall vngodlie carriadges in that ship as, First in thee way overbound they would constantlie Jeere at the holie brethren of New England, and some of the Marriners would in a scoffe ask when they should come to the holie Land? 2. After they lay in the harbor Mr. Norrice sent to the shippe one of our brethren vppon busines and hee heard them say, This is one of the holie brethren mockinglie and disdainefullie. 3. That when some haue bene with them aboard to buy necessaries, The shippe men would vsuallie say to some of them that they could not want any thinge, They were full of the Spiritt. 4. That the last Lords Day, or the Lords Day 271before there were many drinkinge aboard with singinge and musick in tymes of publique exercise. 5. That the last Fast the Maister or captaine of the shippe with most of the companie would not goe to the meetinge, but read the booke of common prayer so often over that some of the company said hee had worne that threedbare with many such passages. Now if theise or the like be true, as I ame persuaded some of them are, I think the trueth heereof would be made knowen by some faithfull hand in Bristoll and else where. For it is a very remarkable and vnusuall stroake. Pardon I pray you my boldnes heerein. You shall command mee in any seruice I can doe. I write the rather because I haue some relation that way and shall therefore be glad to be throughlie informed of theise things. This bein all at present I leaue you with the Lord desiring myne and my wiefs heartie loue and seruice to be remembred to your selfe and your dearest yoakefellow, and rest, Yours euer assured

Jo: Endecott Salem the 28th of the 5th moneth 1640

W. Au. 94; 4 Collections , VI. 141–142.


The Mary Rose of Bristol blew up in Charlestown harbor on July 27, 1640. For Winthrop's account, see Journal, II. 9–10; also printed in D.J.W. .