A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Edward Payne to John Winthrop1
Payne, Edward JW


To the Right Worshipfull John Winthrop Esquir Governer Boston in New England
Right Worshipfull And my much Respected frend Mr. John Winthrope,

My Love Remembered vnto you Sir allso vnto Mistres Winthrop with all your children wishing your wellfar ass myn owne. Sir these few Lines I haue mad bold to writ vnto you too sertifie you of some pasages her the tymes ar very troublesome and the parlament is Broken vp and some of the aldermean wear imprisoned and towe of the birges of the Lower hows butt shortly deleverid her hath ben great stir the prentises did Rise and wold have puled downe the bishop of Canterburis hows and did begin and allso pulled down one or two prisones and leat the Prisoners all loss, and forced one alderman to Depart the prison or eallc they swore they wold pluke downe that prison allso: so the alderman cam forth to quiet them and returned to Prison again and the next day he was relesed Itt wass alderman Atkines Burges for norwich the Lower hows of parlament stod very strongly for the Priviledg of the Subect and for Reaestablishing of Religon the King is much displeased noe monie will be granted the wares for Scotland goes one butt with a very ill will from the subect what will insue I know not the lord in mercy Look downe vpon vss and Sir if ever ther wear ned of prayers and teares for a poor Kingdome, now is the tyme and therfor Sir remember our poor nation I know Sir you ar not wanting in that Behalfe who knowes but the lord may turn in mercy vnto vss again the papists increas in abundance, and ther is great fear in the citty and a strong watch keept every wher and great search mad: Sir I hop to se your worship next yeer. I stay this yeer att home to order my buisnes, for I fear I must come away att last Sir I haue vndertaken for the transporting of the pasengers and goods in our ship only John Tinker hath a sixtht part now Sir when wee came to grauesend 249the pasengers puting me of to pay ther fraight ther att the very pinch they had no monie so that I could haue noe monie and being loth to turne them ashore, seing theay wear poor people allthoughe I am sur theay gaue me iust Caus soe to doe, wass forced hauing noe other remidy to tak severall bills for my monie the which I ame out of to pay me ther for the which theay haue ingaged ther goods. Sir I wold desire your Worships Assitanc allso for mr. Eattones Bill Itt is vnpaid and I haue seant the protest over with the Bill I hope Sir your Worship will see that I may haue a proportion acording to my dept for I wass loth to cary the monie out of the Cuntry and therfor wass willing to leaue itt but I had litle thought that mr. Eatton had ben such a man. Sir allso her is a frind of myn the Bearer herof one of our owners sonnes mr. Tho. Dutchfeld his father is one of the Captaynes of the Cyti of London he cam out of the Est indies having ben out 7 yeeres and desiring to trauell again I covnseled him to come too new England and he hath some 1000 pownds worth of goods with him, and Desired me to adviz him what to doe when he cam ther. I haue advized him to be att mr. Leverits hows But when god sends him Sir I desir your worship to adviz him for the beast his father will be very thankfull vnto you: for he is a very honest godly man and desires the wellfar of him Sir I pray excus my boldness I ame much ingaged vnto you for all your Kindness, desiring to requit you if it Lyes in me. Sir I have ordered my man to stay ther to look vnto my buisnes I desir your worships love in advizing him in douptfull things when he shall adres himselfe vnto you. I haue given him a leatter of Atturney to recover my Depts in and to order my buisenes: I hop next yeer Sir to see you; your frinds her ar all in health, ass far as I can her. Sir I commit you with all your family vnto the good guidanc of the lord and rest yours to command to my power

Edward Payne from the downes this 28th of May 1640

W. 4. 104; 5 Collections , I. 294–295.

John Tinker to John Winthrop1
Tinker, John JW


To the Right Worshippffull and his much honnered Mr. Jno. Winthropp Esqr. Governour of the Matachuses thesse deliver At Bostone in New England
Right Worshippffull,

To whome I must euer acknowledg my selfe deeply ingaged for your greate kindnesse and respect vouchsaffed me, and for whome I shall reioyce to doe any servis acording to my poore power 250and it is my greife I canot doe that servis which suts my desires and your worshipps occations. I am very sory to heare of that great vnfaithfullnesse of Goodman Luxford, whome I doe confesse I did feare for a great while agoe, though I did not declare my thoughtes or was I inquisatiue to finde the truth least I should be iudged an intruder into other mens ocasions: but the lord knows my hart had I forsene the extent of such a disaster beffalling your worshipp I should neuer haue departed from you: neither doe I yett thinke any strenth or abillity the lord hath afforded mee to much to doe your worshipp servis: I haue received your letters with your orders for the payment of 800li to seuerall men, which I was to take vpp of Mr. Tindall if the Land weare sould: or if not to borowe of such gentlemen as ware your Frends, as Mr. Gurdon Dockter Wright etc: I was with Mr. Tindall, and the land is sould: yett he standing ingaged as a Fefee in trust for the stateing of my mistress and the chilldren in the meanes at the time appoynted, will not disburce any more then may stand with his security vntil he haue a releace from my mistris and the chilldren: Mr. Stephen being at age he hath sent a release for him to signe to: and vppon the returning of it will part with more. he hath now paide Mr. Cradock and Mr. Jno. Dodd 50li per peece and will pay to Mr. Cradock 80li more and to Mr. Meclethweit per my strong perswation 50li more: for I doe perceiue it should haue beene paide in aboute michaltide last and the forbearance of it is a great rong to him: I haue allso spake often with Mr. Gurden and Docter Wright about the borowing of monyes and because your worshipp did not request them to it possatiuely: they doe require some securyty and are willing to lend 100li apece as allsoe Sir Nathaniell Bramstone which is 300li. I writ to Mr. Tindall to know his minde aboute it, and he was vnwilling to doe thatt of all other things. Dockter Wright allsoe propounded to me this that I should goe to those gentlemen seuerally to whome these somes of monys are to be paid, and bring them to some Composition: but I finde the debts are not directly from yourselfe to them: soe they seeke not imediatly to you but to those whoe are indebted to them and therfore it is not proper to propound it to them: and since this time I haue not binn with them: only Mr. Gurden hath sent your worshipp 10li for a token the which I receiued as allsoe 50li of Mr. Tindall for your vse and for want of time to disburce it for your proper vse, I would intreat your worshipp to take what goods of mine you please to that quantyty of 60li and pay only what consideracion vppon them you please, for the Fraite Customs and all other charges vppon them: It hath pleased God to disapoint me in the throw effecting of my businesse so that I could not come with Mr. Clay in the Susan and Hellin of which I haue a 251part in vndertakeing for the setting of her forth: yett I haue sent in her diuers servants and goods to the value of 560li. I would intreat your worshipp to doe me all the Fauour you cann in the assisting of my servants and Frends in the manageing of my affayres by your Councell and advice: my businesse I haue declared at large and directed to your worshipp in a booke to the end you might see what it is: howsoeuer it should please God to deale with mee befor I come to you or thay whome I betrust in the manageing of my businesse should cary themselues, it being a matter of great Consequence my credit being great and my estate but smalle: I would intreat your worshipp soe sone as my servants and other Passengers that I am allied vnto are landed to lett one of your servands prouide some lodging for them at some of the Neighbours houses and I shall giue good satisfaccion: vntill such time as they shalbe dispossed of according to my direccion in my boke. If any of my Agents in my busines should stand in neede of any mony for a small quantyty just at theire ariuall as I sopose they will: I would intreat your worshipp to lend them some, to the vallue of 5 or 6li, and they shall pay it againe: I am very sory I haue Failed of sending such tokens as I had prepared for your worshipp and my mistris and some other, but I hope the Lord will bring me safe to the place of my desires againe: I haue sent all my leters by a yong marchant whose Father viz: Mr. Duchfeild is parte honer of the Susan and hellin: I would intreat your worshipp to shew him respect partly in regard of his Father and partly in Respect of his courtyous cariage toward me: I shall not faile Good willing to doe what I can in your worshipps busines to know fully what wilbe done in it before I come: It is a very greate greiuanc and generall Complainte among all the Merchants and dealers to New England that they can haue noe Returnes, and theire bills are very naught insomuch that if there be not some Course taken for beter payments of our Creditors our tradeing will vtterly cease: thesse bills from James Luxford and Mr. Nathaniell Eaton, charged falcely one men heare, haue done a great deale of hurt and ocationed a great deale of slacknesse of men about London for sending of goods this yeare: I pray God saintyfy his dealing toward vs and fitt vs for any Condicion. I haue soe intangled my selfe in businesse depending vppon some whoe disapoynted me, that I canot come away till the next shipps, but the times are desperatly dangerous in all respects: I shall but truble your worshipp to relate any news I rather reffer you to discorce with Mr. Duchfeild whoe I suposse wilbe a good Intelligencer and therfore I craue your worshipps pardon for my bouldnesse and with my humble servis to you and to my mistris I leaue you to the lord and to the power of his grace for a returne of all your kindnesse in your bossome 252many fould and rest: Your worshipps euer obleiged in any servis to my poore power

John Tinker From the Downes the 28th of May 1640

W. 3. 60; 4 Collections , VII. 225–228.