A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Dorothy Flute to John Winthrop1
Flute, Dorothy JW


Worshipfull Mr. Wintropp,

I am sorry being but a strainger that I am forced to make soe bould as to bee troublesome to you by writing, yet my occasion being Considered I hope my boldness shalbe pardoned. that good report that I haue alwaise heard of your redines to doe Justice is my present incouragement. My occasion is this about 5 years past I had a sonn went to sea with my brother Hurlestone who left my Child with one Mr. John Humphries who then liued att Saugust in new England who hath euer since deteyned my Childe to his great hindrance there being some meanes here due to him which cannot bee receaued withowt his beeing here and by reason of his longe absence is like to bee lost I cannot mencon how many letters I haue sent to Mr. Humphries for the space of theis 3 or 4 yeares for my Childs coming home but I cannot inioyn him soe that I haue noe other refuge but this of flying to your worshipe for your ayde in graunting my Child leaue to come home, that soe that little estate which was left him by his late father may not bee alltogeather imbeazealed away from him. It is my great greif also that Mr. Humphryes should promise my brother soe faithfully to bringe my Child vpp att schoole and hee euer since imployed to keepe hoggs and goates,2 and by this meanes hee is like not only to bee 237depriued of his meanes but also of educacon or any Calling by which hee may hereafter subsist; I know a word is enough to the wise I am Confident I shall not need to inlarge, therefore resting vppon worships redines to helpe the fatherless and of your willingnes to graunt my Child liberty to come home by the first, desiring your worshipe to send for Mr. Humphryes and inioyne him to the like for which fauor I and my poore Child shalbe bound to pray for your worshipe: If my Child haue a desire to bee there lett him but come ouer and settle his estate here and if hee will hee shall retorne thither againe thus I rest Your freind though vnknowne

Dorothy Flute alias Milward May 5th 1640

My sonns name is John Flute.


W. 1. 133.


In the case of Edmund Thompson vs. John Humfrey heard before the Essex County Court on December 31, 1639, John Flute testified that “he drove out eight Marblehead cows and eight calves from Mr. Thompson's.” Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts, I (Salem, 1911), 14.

Benjamin Gostlin to John Winthrop1
Gostlin, Benjamin JW


To the worshipfull his very Loving Vncle Jno. Winthropp in Newe England
London May 8th 1640 Sirr,

since my last letter per mr. Goose I doe vnderstand that you are in good helth and all yours for the which I bless god and desire god to continew it if it be his blessed will but I am verry sorry to heare that your man hath delt so ill with you as I vnderstand per mr. Kerbys letter and Tho: Tinker I haue sent you a small Rondlett of Rise which I wold intreate you part betweene your selfe my Ant Downing and my Cosen Jno. Winthrop and accept of it as a small token From a loving Kinsman I haue also sent 2 Jarrs of oyle which if you doe love oyle I wold intreate you to take torn if not lett my Ante Downing take as her dew for to my Knowledg it is good oyle for I putt it vp my selfe onely for Freinds and this is all at present that I haue to present to you I had other things which I had intended for you but my Long liing at home and my Freinds heere haue deseved me of them and now I praise god I am bownd out speedyly I hope within ten dayes the sooner the Better for the Lord be mercyfull vnto vs and turne the Kings hart or else to this Land in my foolish Iudgment is nothing to be expected but confushion 238and as for the Roote of all this and the prodigious Frute that from it spring will be nedles for me to relate for I Know you Know it all redy in part and the rest will suddenly be related therefore I will be silent onely I speake trewly it greue my hart to thinke of the misery that is approching if god be not the more favorable for he alone must doe it the other mayne hope being now frustrate therfore I beseech you to pray for vs for if euer mother had neede of Dawghters helpe now it hath and I prey god the Dawghter be not burdened by her and thus for present I committ you to the protection of the almighty desiring to be remembred to my Ante Winthrop and to my cosen Jno. and Steven and Adam and Deane and An: and the rest if ther be any and Samm: and my Cosen Elizabeth Fones and all the rest in ienerall all which I shall be gladd to here from: but much more to see I prey excuse the bowldnes of your Affectionate Nephew

Ben: Gostlin

all our Freinds here are well and I shold be gladd to here per mr. Midleton at our meeting in the straights of your welfares.

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: Neph: Ben: Gostlin Received per mr. middleton Reply per mr. middleton.


W. 1. 133.