A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Memorandum on the Case of Welthian Richards's Maid1


(2) 24. 40

Mrs. Richards brought her mayde Edye white to me for her misdemeanor. her man Jo: Gill about 21 years of Age affirmed that she being sett to keepe the 7 Cowes of her masters she left them in the woods and went awaye to the house of one Carpenter in Weymouth, and there lodged, and he wished her to goe home, and brought her neere home, but she went awaye againe, and wanderd in the woods till the 7th daye at night, and then she went to one Dyers house, but they would not entertain her but sent her home, but she came not home till the Lords Daye in the afternoone. This she confessed, and said she was afrayd to goe home, yet she sayth her master and Mrs. never beat her since they were before me etc. but onely hir Mrs. gave hir a blow or 2 on the eare.

her Mrs. charged her further with discovering the secretts of the famyly. one thing she confessed about a mayd that drank to much there.

Jo: Gill charged her also with ordinary lying and lazynesse.


She sayth the reson why she lost the Cowes was that she sate downe and slumbered, and the while they went awaye.


W. 1. 132. This document is in the handwriting of Governor Winthrop.

Nicholas Johnson to John Winthrop1
Johnson, Nicholas JW


To his very deare and much respected good freind Mr. John Winthrop an esquire at his house in Boston in new england theise deliuer with care I pray
Most louinge and kind and deare and much respectted good freind,

my best seruis and affecttions in the lord remembred vnto your worshippe with greate hope of your continuall healthe and wellfare and still wishinge that you may thriue and increase in all thinges both spirrituall and temperall and that you all soe increase which truly feare the lord then the Lord fill all of our hearts that doe feare him with prayses and thanksgiuinge that shall as hyther to hath wrought exceedeingely for his peoples good. and wheareas it hath pleased god to sett vs far remote one from another heere in this world yett I still desire that we may be in presence together to sitt and singe hallaluiiahs and prayses to the god that liueth euer more and louinge freind thought we are far remote heere yet lett vs be remembred of you to god in your prayers as you are of vs and I wish that the lord would in mercy looke vpon all the Israell that are of you and vs that the lord would in much mercy looke vpon vs and perfect our hearts that all of our liues might be very much to Gods glory that we might walke in the feare of his Majestye that we may growe in grace and perfect holines in his feare. the lord make vs all wise to saluation and direct vs by his spirritt to order our liues aright that in all thinges god may haue glory and the end may be to our eternall peace and louinge freind wheareas I have receaued many and great kindnesses from your worship I would not haue your worship thinke that because they are past and longe since reseaued and therefore forgotten by me noe I would not haue your worship thinke but that I haue many thoughts of your loue and kindnesses to me which I doe exceedingly thanke your worship for desireinge the lord fully to recompence you for them. and I doe exceedeingely thanke your worshipe that I am not yett forgotten by you that you doe somtymes remember me by a letter which I receaue as a token of great loue and with much reioyceinge still craueinge the same curtysy at your worships hand for I much reioyce to heere of your prosperyty and these are further to intreate a kindnes at your worshipes handes that wheareas the bearer heereof 234is a younge man and hath beene once before in your Plantation and did returne with hopes to haue inioyed his fathers and mothers company there and occations be soe that they could not prouide to put of thinges to come and they beinge my very deare and good Christion freinds therefore if your worship would some wayes direct him in the best I should take it as done to my selfe and euer rest as I haue iust occation to doe behouldinge to your worshipe and soe in great hast I leaue you to god and to his holy protecttion who is able to keepe our soules safe vnto the cominge of his Majesty in whome I rest Your louinge freind

Nicholas Johnsonne From Biddenden this last of Aprill 1640

W. 4. 101; 5 Collections , I. 290–291.