A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

William Coddington to John Winthrop1
Coddington, William JW


To the Right Worshipfull and his much estemed John Winthrupe Esqr. Governour of the Massachusets deliver in Boston
Right Worshipfull,

haueing so opertune a measseinger as your owne Indean, being by my pinnice returned from Blocke Iland and doth now hast to returne vnto yow I doe make bould to salute yow, haueing littell else to informe your worship of. Mr. James being returned lately from Quinepage, 161doth informe that the Inhabitants did giue their power to the Church and the Church hath chosen Mr. Theophilus Eaton their Magistrate, for so they cale him, Mr. Newman, Mr. Fugall, Mr. Gilbard Captin Turnor, assistants.2 he did lickewise informe that they haue taken one of the Pequit Murderes Nepawbuck by name, and haue putt him to death. I haue the names of 12 of the Pequits Morders that are yet aliue. Your Indean knowes some of them his Brother more and wher they liue. our Indeanes here are peaceable, though we trust them not. Could be glad to here from your worshipe, If any thinge be attempted aginest them about two Maires and Cowe we heare they haue killed, that we might stand vpon our gard. I am remoued 12 myles further vp in to the Iland ther they haue gathered a Church and doe intend to chuse officers shortely, and do desire better healpes in that kind when the lord is pleassed to send them and would gladly vse what meanes doth lye in vs to obtayne them. things are in fare better passe conserning our ciuill governmentt then they haue bene diuers Famelyes being come in that had revolted from ther owne acte and haue giuen satisefaction. Mr. Gorton and Mrs. Huchson doth oppose it. it wos hached when I wos last in the baye, and the Lord I hope will shortely putt an esew to it. being in great hast with my loue to yourselfe, Mrs. Winthrupe and all that doe remember me, I take leaue and rest, yours to be commaunded wher in I maye

William Coddington Acquednecke Decmr. 9, 1639

Mr. John Cogshall Mr. William Brenton, and Sergant Balstone doe desire to haue their service presented to your worship.


W. 3. 74; 4 Collections , VII. 278–279.


Cf. Records of the Colony and Plantation of New Haven, 1638–1649, Charles J. Hoadly, Editor (Hartford, 1857), 11–21.

Deed of John Winthrop to John Newgate1
JW Newgate, John


Knowe All men by these presents that I John Winthrop Esqr. Governour of the Jurisdiction of the Mattachusetts Bay in New England for fower score pounds of lawfull money of England to me in hand payd by John Newgate of Boston in New England Feltmaker Doe hereby graunt bargain and sell unto the said John Newgate All that my Lott of upland lying neare Rumney marsh in New England conteyning One hundred and Fifty acres be it more 162or lesse,2 abutting upon the highway there leading to Divers mens lotts on the East, and upon the lands perteyning to Charlestowne towards the west, and the Lands now of Nicholas Parker sometimes Mr. Vanes towards the south, and partly upon the lands of James Pen and partly upon the lands of the said John Newgate on the north parte, with the appurtenances. To have and to hold the said Lott with all the appurtenances unto the said John Newgate his heires and Assignes for ever. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the Eightteenth Day of the tenth moneth in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred thirty and nyne and in the Fifteenth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles now King of England etca.

Jo: Winthop Signed sealed and Delivered in the presence of: Stephen Winthrop et mei Tho: Lechford scriptoris hujus

Original not located; facsimile in Winthrop Deeds, 30; 2 Proceedings , VII. 139. For Thomas Lechford's record of this transaction, see Lechford's Notebook, 232.


Cf. Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston, 11 (Boston, 1881), 27.