A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4Note: you've followed an index reference to a note that, due to changes between the print and digital editions, may no longer be on page 144. Please look at all notes at the end of the document or documents on page 144.

John Underhill to John Winthrop and Thomas Dudley1
Underhill, John JW Dudley, Thomas


To the Right Worshipfull John Wenthropp and Tho: Dodli Gofornor and Depoti of the Macetusets these in Boston
Honnored in the Lord,

Youer Silenc onc more admirse me. I youse chrischan Playnnes. I know you loue it. Silenc can not reduce the hart of youer bore brother: I would the rightchous would smite me espeschali youer slfe and the honnored Depoti to whom I also dereckt this letter together with youer honnored slfe. Jasos Christ did wayt and god his father did dig and telfe bout the barren figtre before he would cast it of: I would to god you would tender my soule so as to youse Playnnes to me. I wrot to you both but now answer: and I here I am dayli abused by malischous tongse: John Baker I here hath rot to the honnored depoti, how as I was dronck and like to be cild, and both falc. vpon okachon I delt with Wannerton for intrushon and findding them resolutli bent to rout out all gud among vs, and advanc there superstischous waye, and by boystrous words indeferd to fritten men to acomplish his end, and he abusing me to my face, dru vpon him with intent to corb his insolent and dasterdli sperriti, but now danger of my life, although it might hafe bin just with god to hafe giffen me in the hanse of youer enimise and mine for thay hat the wayse of the lord and them that profes them, and therfore laye trapes to cechte the pore in to their debayst corses, as Isterdaye on Pickren there Chorch warden caim vp to vs with intent to make som of ourse dronc as is sospeckted, but the lord soferd him so to misdemen him slfe as he is likli to li by the hielse this too month. I 144latli was with Mr. Williamse2 which here we would goyne with youer state: but serious protestachons ar made to pregise vs in case we gife you intrest in this Riffer: my hombel request is that you will be charitabel of me when the work of the Lord is don you shall I trost hafe all these clammors to sese with satisfacchon to gods pepel: let Justies and merci be goynd. bannisment is past vpon me, and by the apoyntment of the lord. I freli confes my contumeli to the Cort, but more here after of this. by this barer I am requested to hafe a full answer from vnder youer hanse, that cuch percons as we shall send to tret with youer state maye hafe free egres and regres with out mollestachon: youer letter sent to Mr. Knolse we hafe sene, and both of vs labrod to advanc the work which we hope will redound to the glori of god and the sopresing the wicked among vs, but we are prifat in oure prosedingse tel a conkluchon: and so desier you: for we ar threttend. You maye plese to soggest youer will to this barer, you will find him tracktabel. We shall not rest vntel this work be finnist and youer slfes pouer here. in hast I rest youers to comand

Jo: Vnderhill Dover 12 of 8 mont 1639

W. 3. 44; 4 Collections , VII. 178–179. For the proposal to bring Dover, New Hampshire, under the Massachusetts jurisdiction, a move to which this letter relates, see Journal, I. 320–321; also printed in D.J.W. .


For Francis Williams, Governor of the Mason and Gorges plantation on the Piscataqua, see 5 Collections , I. 325n.

Stephen Bachiler to Margaret Winthrop1
Bachiler, Stephen Winthrop, Margaret

To my very loueing and worthy Christian frende Mrs. Alice2 Winthrop wife of our Worshifull and Reverend Governour these

Grace, mercy, and peace in our Lord Jes. Christ.

Auncient and Christian Frende,

I present my great respect, and thankfullnes vnto you, in a little token. And though it be little in it selfe, yet doth it conteine greater waight of true worth, then can easyly be comprehended, but of the spirituall man. As god gives you leasure to reade any thinge that may further your piety, and hope of a better lyfe then this, if you shall please to vouchsafe a little part of that tyme to reade this by degrees, I shall judge it more then a sufficient satisfaction to my loue and desire of furthering you in the waye of grace. And as I do both dayly and dulye pray the God of heaven (and that by speciall torn and remembring of our worthy Governour, your selfe, and blessed fruites of your Loue) and I blesse the Lorde without 145many (if any) fayleing—so shall I ad this to my prayers, that my token may in some thing helpe you forward (as a sweet gale of winde in your backe) in the way of God. Looking among some speciall reserued bookes, and lighting on this little treatice of one of myne owne poore children, I conceaued nothing might sute more to my loue, nor your acceptance. I desire my seruice in Christ may be remembered to Mr. Governour, with blessing on you and all yours and so I cease, and rest Yours euer in the Lorde Jesus his vnworthy servant

Stephen Bachiler This 17 or 18th of this 8th month 1639

W. 3. 26; 4 Collections , VII. 99–100. For Bachiler, see 4 Collections , VII. 88n.


I.e., Margaret.