A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

John Harrison, Jr., to John Winthrop1
Harrison, John, Jr., JW


To the honourable my truely noble freind John Winthrop esqr. Governour of Masecusets bay and Agawom humbly present these Boston
Thrise honoured Sir,

had an oportunity sooner presented it selfe, sooner I should have tendered my humble servise to yow beside which I am sorry, that I haue nothing else to offer in thankefullnesse for so many noble favours wherewith it hath pleased yow perpetually to ingage mee to your goodenesse. having met with shipps that are come out of England later then any (I suppose) which come to yow, I am bould to informe yow of the newse which they bring. the 2 armys lying some while one against the other in Scotland, the King beeing 50000 strong, and the Scotch 18, they skirmisht 3 times but to litle purpose, som men beeing hurt on either side and neither much prevailing, the King hath recovered his Scotch crowne and septer. the people have greate hopes of peace both parts inclining that way, especially because the King of Danemarke and his sonne are both dead, and that Kingdome doth descend to our King in right of his mother, to which purpose there are greate preparations. Sir John Penington hath made a greate fight with the French whom hee hath beaten, taken 7 of their shipps and sunke two, all bound for Scotland laden with powder and shot and other provision. Sir Davy Kirke hath sent 3 shipps to the French that fish towards the Southermost parts of the land, and one pinnace, for his impost beeing the 10th fish, but they beeing 14 saile were to strong for him and empty made them fly home againe. hee exersiseth greate tyranny especially amongst the planters so as hee is seldome spoken of without a curse. I beseech yow Sir even for gods sake, if ever yow bore any love to mee remember mee now in your prayers, my condition is in the world bad but spiritually worse, through your prayers, and the rest of my freinds, gods faithfull servants with yow, I hope to find comfort. forget mee not Sir I beseech yow in this request. if I may bee to yow serviseable in England pray make vse of mee, for I am confident that there lives not a man more zealous to do your commands then your humble and affectionate servant

Jo: Harrison Fermous this 11th of the 6t 1639

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: J. Harryson, Junr.


W. 4. 47; 5 Collections , I. 119–120. For Harrison, see Winthrop Papers,III. 517, n. 1.