A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4Note: you've followed an index reference to a note that, due to changes between the print and digital editions, may no longer be on page 126. Please look at all notes at the end of the document or documents on page 126.

James Luxford to John Winthrop1
Luxford, James JW


Right worshipful,

I humbly thanke your worship for the meeke and gentle note I receiued from your worship; I am sory that your worship doth looke on all as spent, espetially if your worship meane wastfully:

and wheras your worship saith I had beene as good haue doone nothinge in matter of accompt, I must be content to doe nothinge, for neuer keepinge accompt of Expenses, I doe not know how to make such an accompt as may content them; soe that I shall euen referr my selfe to the Lord and be silent.

for the marshalls he is debtor in the book 9li 12s 6d, wherof I did assigne him to pay 4li 10s for alewiues and another small debt to goodman Gibson, soe that that beinge payd he will be debitor 5li 2s.

Concerninge the faded secrett about the farme that your worship desired to know the ground of; I did speake of the farme at Concord riuer, neither did I mention secresie for any other cause but for that I would not be knowen to meddle in the prayse or disprayse of it; thought as I sayd, it will neuer benefit your worship nor your next heyer, saue that the medow that was last giuen you;2 but for the vpland it is such as will not be of vse for corne, it will be soe chargable clearing, otherwise I minded noe secret: for while your worship might for a woord spekinge haue that, which for time present and to coome might be of more vse, and without charge, in a manner in the Improuement; I thought it best to take it while it might be had. I doe desier to be thankfull to god, that year will not add to my affliction. I trust god will giue me cause to be thankfull for soome abatement in his time as for mine affliction, whether the Lord haue sanctifyed it or noe: it must needs remayne doubtfull to your worship for I my owne self am doubtfull. the Lord helpe mee my fears weare neuer greter, lest my repentance should be ahabs, or Pharaohs, that would doe any thinge for the remoouall of a temporall Judgment, which beinge gone, forget ther promises and vowes made to god in ther Extremyty: and albeit I haue found by good experience that god hath bowed his Eare and heard mee in many things yet hear I find him a stranger in that I haue not founde soe humblinge my hart, as that I might for euer inioy his presence. he hath made a gratious promise that he will dwell in an humble hart. the humble soule shall alway haue his company, which my soule longeth for but I cannot inioy it: I earnestly desier that god will soe sanctifie his afflictinge hand, as that I may truly say it is 127good for mee that I was afflicted. Wheras your worship doth giue me a caueat not to be ouer confident of my looue to your worship The Lord knoweth that I cannot bee ouer confident therof, thought in the efforts I fayld: this note I had layd by to send the last time but that I forgott to putt it in the other but heare I haue inclosed it.

James Luxford Ca. July, 1639

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: James Luxford.


W. 4. 51; 5 Collections , I. 132–133.


The General Court had granted to Governor Winthrop on June 6, 1639, “a parcell of meadow . . . lying within a mile or two of his farme, beneath Concord. . . .” Records of Massachusetts, I. 261.