A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Emmanuel Downing to John Winthrop1
Downing, Emmanuel JW


To his much honored brother John Winthrop Gouernour

I thanke you for your kynde letteres, which I received yeasterday. I feare not the coming of shipps vnto vs, because I know, yt will not be in the 103power of any mortall man, (though as malitious as the Divill himselfe against vs) to hinder them. I am much more troubled that you write, how you are yet sometymes feverishe. I pray be more watchfull for your health, that you oppresse not your bodye nor spirits with the publique affaires, but rather spare yourselfe a while, that you may be the better enabled for tyme to come. cold and wett espetially of your feet are two great traytors to your health, and must be watched verie narrowly verie narrowly; The Good lord preserve you to vs, and I shall never feare foreigne malice, soe long as the trew worship of God is by authority upheld amongst vs, for he is faythfull and wilbe a sure rock of defence to his beloved. Mr. Rogers hath an overture of plantation2 betwene Newberry and Ipswich, which I feare wilbe streightned, betwene Ipswich and Newbury as Cambridge is, by hir Neighbour townes. now at Salem wee haue manie farmes to be sould, enough for all his Companie, and the Towne desires much his Joyning with our pastor. he may also haue with vs a plantation by himselfe, soe that I hope wee shall keepe him here or at Newberry. I pray present my service to my sister soe with harty prayers for your health desiring much to heare of your perfect recouerie I rest with manie thanks to your selfe and my sister, which I owe for more then my paper can hold. Yours assured whilest I am

Em. Downinge 2 Martij 1638/39

Essex Institute; 4 Collections , VI. 50–51.



Petition of the Inhabitants and Freemen of Lynn1
Willis, Thomas Holyoke, Edward Sadler, Richard Howell, Edward Tomlins, Richard Talmadge, Thomas Lynn, town of JW Court of Assistants of the Massachusetts Bay Colony


To our much Honoured Gouernour Deputie Gouernour, Assistants and generall Court now assembled
The Petition of the inhabitants and Freemen of the towne of Lynne

It is not vnknowen to a great part of the Countrey what hinderances, hazards and inconveniences do dayly accrew vnto such as passe ouer our Riuer by reason of the Flatts and rottennesse of the Marsh which are very hard to be prevented without much charge: and if they were amended would be yet still subject to dammage and decay. We thought meete therefore to suggest thus much vnto this Honoured Court that if they shalbe pleased to lend some competent allowance vnto so good a worke, as the erecting of a 104Bridge, Wee shalbe very willing to exceed our proportion in furthering the same: and had not the worke beene very weighty and our strength small we should not haue desired assistance in the same. But our confidence of your readinesse to further a publique good hath persuaded vs to present you these our desires, which we humbly leaue to your wise consideracion;2 and rest Yours and the Common Wealths to be commanded

Tho: Willes Edward Holyoke Richard Sadler Edward Howell Edward Tomlins Thomas Talmadge In the name of the towne The 11th of the first moneth 1638/39

W. 4. 167; 5 Collections , I. 488–489.


The General Court, on June 6, 1639, ordered “that those of Linn should have 50li from the country toward the building of a cart bridg over the ryver there, when the bridg is finished to bee allowed them.” Records of Massachusetts, I. 261.