Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4
In the 1 parte thereof
1: Concerninge the Definition, therein made, we conceive it is defectiue.
2: Concerninge the distinction therein made of the bodye Polit
3: Concerninge the Clause recited therin (respectinge the generall Court) which gives onely Libertye to the Freemen, to advise and Counsell, instead of power and Aut
In the 2 parte of the Booke, which concernes the Rule by which a people should be gouerned, we finde these dangerous positions.
1: That generall Rules are sufficient to cleare a state from Arbitrary Gouernment.
2: That Judges ought to haue Libertye to varye from suche generall Rules when they see Cause.
In the followinge of the first of those 2 positions, there are many dangerous passages, and bitter censurings of all poenall Lawes. As
1: That they are paper Sentences of humane Aut
2: That mens prescript Sentences doe denye and exclude bothe the wisdome of God, and the Aut
3: That to prescribe Lawes with certaine penaltyes is an vsurpinge of Gods Aut
4: That a Sentence ought not to be provided before the Case fall out, but immediate Assistance to be expected.
5: That partic
The Induction of partic