A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Petition of Some of the Inhabitants of Hampton, New Hampshire1
Swayne, Richard Tuck, Robert Inhabitants of Hampton, New Hampshire JW


To the Right Worshipfull the Gournor present these

To the Right Worshipfull the Gournor grace and peace be multiplied

Right worshipfull and much honred in the lord,

wher as our late petition2 exhibited vnto your worship with the Rest of the worshipfull Genrall Court last houlden at Boston, which petition not hauing clere suckses3 one owar behalues against william Howard by Reson that those Comissionars amed at peace Rathar then the Exact Examination of our case wherby the particulars ware not Required nor admited to be proued by oath yet for as much as diuars of the said frends of william Howard doe profes how much thay desiar peace and we knowinge our owne harts doe allso profes the like we thought good to petition to your worship that in case the said Will. Howard shall quitt him selfe and prosede no further in the busnes we likewise for peace sake shall doe the same beinge content Rathar to sufar then make aney further stir to the troble of the peace of this godly gouerment but in case he shall further moue the honred Court in owar absents we do humbly intreat and besech your worships faiuior to signifie to the honred Court that we are willing to proue our said petition before the wisdom of the land in cace your worship will admit vs Judicitor prosecings thearin or if we may finde so much 460faiuior as to haue our cace Referd vnto the worshipfull the Deputie Gournor mr. Belingham and mr. Bradstret with full Comition In Regard of the pouartie of your worships petitionars and we your worships petitionars shall not sease to pray for your worships hapines and Rest your worships pour petitionars.4 We in the behalfe of all the rest dooe set our handes

Richerd Swayne Robert Tuck Hampton this 22th of the 3 mo. (1644)

willyam Howerd haue desyred puplik this last weeke to lay downe his plase which he say he had we dooe desyre the same.


W. 4. 169; 5 Collections , I. 493–494. For Swayne and Tuck, signers of this petition, see Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, IV. 235, 337.


Massachusetts Archives, LXVII. 33.


Cf. Records of Massachusetts, II. 59.


The document to this point and the date line are, to judge from a signature of Richard Swayne in the Massachusetts Archives, in his handwriting. The balance of the document, including the signatures, is in an unidentified handwriting.