A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

William Bradford to John Winthrop1
Bradford, William JW


To his much honoured freind Mr. John Winthrop, Gouernour of the Massachusetts, these deliver
Beloued Sir,

Hauing so fite an opportunitie, I thought good to salute you with these few lines. We were much troubled when we heard you kepte watch in your townes the sharp weather, and so much the reather because we could not hear the reason therof, nor vnderstand any thing from the Indeans of our quarters. We haue heard since of some messengers that haue been sent vnto you; if there be any thing materiall conscerning our comone saftie, I desire you would be pleased to informe vs in a word or 2 how things stand aboute the Narigansets or Mowhaks. We allso conceiue that our time of paimente to you, aboute Mr. Andrews money is expired, and therfore haue charged a bill on Mr. Hill to make this paymente vnto you. I pray you let vs hear a word of your acceptance. Sundrie haue been sicke amongst vs this winter, and some still are. God hath taken away Mr. Atwood, and Mr. Jeney by death; Mrs. Atwoods state being but low is intangled to Mr. Seawell of Ipswich, by a bond of 1000li. She prayes me on her behalfe to craue your aduice whether she had best administer or no, her husband haueing made her exsecutrixe; and if she refuse whether she may not haue her thirds; ther will be sufficente she conceiues to satisfie any accounte of money due to him, and some thing for her selfe, but by the bond the title of the land is to be restored to him, and Mr. Atwood hath sould it to Mr. Sherley, but he tould me it was only in trust, as he had it, but he tooke no writing vnder his hand 438that so it is. Thus comending you and all your affairs to the Lord, with salutations, I rest, in hast Your louing friend

William Bradford Ca. February, 1643/44

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: Mr. Bradford Rec. (12) 43.


Pilgrim Society; 4 Collections , VI. 160–161.