Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4
I perceaue the reason why I receaued not answer hitherto from mr. Shepherd was, because he was desirous the answer might be if it were the will of god according to your desire. He delayd not to mooue her in the thinge, and seriouslie to Commend it to her serious thought, and perceauing her inclined aversely from marriage, or the motion therof, he desired she would not presently answer at all. much lesse resolue. But rather take time and Consider therof as a matter of Great moment, and of such Inducements waightie, which before her were praesented. neyther did she returne him Answer till this morning. Which was to this effect: that she did account her selfe greatly bounde to yourselfe who did expresse toward her so great loue, as to make her such an offer. and was very thankfull in that behalfe, but declareth a firme resolution for sundry reasons not to entertayne any thoughts of marriage, nor doth find any inclination to this or any motion, (though Sundry besides this she hath had) as not able to Bury her husband so soone as she Cals it. and she hath written letters to her father whom she expecteth now shortly at lest to heare from him, to whom she hath engaged her selfe by promise, to reserue herselfe wholy to his Counsell and direction in her affaires. And if she had not so written, yet would she thinke her selfe Bound neuer the lesse to walk by that Rule (ther being it seemeth extraordinary dearenes and Tendernes betweene them in him as a father et Contra.) And though It be not mentioned, yet I beleeue what I hinted to you before, that their is some speciall likelihood of Some body or other to Come with or from her father, whom he may Commend to her. So that I neyther see nor gather any probability of further Successe in this Ayme. Wherin I doubt not but you are and will be ready (as in all thinges) to resigne vp your desires to the 347Good pleasure of God, whom as you serue in a good conscience so neyther will he be wanting to you nor yours in any seasonable