A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Deane Tyndal to Margaret Winthrop1
Tyndal, Deane Winthrop, Margaret


To my deare and louing sister Mris. Margaret Winthrop att Boston in new England present this
Louing Sister,

Thoughe I writ latly to you yet I can not let this messenger passe without bringing my respects and loue to the. I would willingly haue had my Cosin2 haue stayd here, but I perceiue his affection to Father and Mother will not let him stay from them. I haue furnisht him with such mony as he requiers to carrie him ouer. he is much grone and verie ciuill. I hope you will haue a great deale of comfort of him. it would be well for him if my brother would bread him vp in som calling and then with Gods blessinge howsoeuer the world went, he might make a shift to liue. my wife remembers her tru loue to you, and hath sent such things as you writ for, and she says if she knows your wants you shall haue what she can help you to. and now desiering the almightie to blesse you and yours I leaue you to his protection and rest Your assured louing brother

Deane Tyndale From Maplested this 13 of Aprill 1641

W. 4. 44; 5 Collections , I. 113.


Deane Winthrop.