A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

John Woodbridge to John Winthrop1
Woodbridge, John JW


To the right worshipfull John Winthrop sen. Esqr., at his house in Boston, these present
Right worthy Sir,

After my service praemised, etc. I am bold to write a few lines to you, with desire that you would advise vs the best you cann, and as speedily as your occasions will permitt. Some of vs haue desired to plant at Quichichuick,2 and accordingly notwithstanding all the oppositions and discouragements that wee haue had hauing viewed the place since the court were intended this spring to haue built there: but there are two things that yett stand in the way to hinder vs; the proceeding of either of which may be so great an anoyance that will quite cutt off any hopes of being to a plantation there. The first is the intended takeing of a farme by Rowley men (which the court allowed them to doe in lieu of a farme which Mr. Vaine had within their bounds) adioyninge to their bounds, which though it be not plainely expressed yett wee are credibly informed they intend to take neere Quichi­328chuick, and so to take away 100 acres of meadow from that place which at best will entertaine but a small company by reason of the little quantity of meadow. The second is that notwithstanding all the agitations of the last Court, Mr. Rogers being demanded whither he yett expected any more answers that the contention the last court was onely about the neck and whereas he afterward expressed to the court that his first grant was 8 miles into the country (he sayes) no body speaking against it he tooke it for granted that he should haue 8 entire miles into the country besides what was giuen, and they purchased from Ipswich and Newbery. These onely are the impediments and reason of our not proceeding. Now that which wee would desire of your worship by way of advice is an answer to these 3 Questions. 1. Whither you apprehend that the Court will allow of their so taking the farme afforesayd in such a place as will be so much praeiudiciall to a plantation. 2. Whither the Court will make good the grant of 8 miles intire to them, or compell them to stand to those bounds onely which were specifyed the last Court. 3. Whither you would advise vs neuerthelesse to proceed and trust to the Court more, or to desist and leaue it either alltogether or till things are cleered by the Court. I haue desired to propose these things first to yourselfe rather then the Gouernour because I know that he hath allwayes heeretofore bin opposite to my going thither. And the reason why I desire your speedy advice is because some of our company haue sold themselves out of house and home, and so desire to bee setled as soone as may be. Diuers others would gladly know what to trust to, and seeme with some resolution to affect Long Iland intending speedily to be gone thither if they settle not heere: and for my owne part I haue strong solicitations thither and by some not of the meaner sort: and (being resolved that I cannot comfortably carry things along as I am) though not there yett elsewhere I thinke I must resolve to labour to better my selfe. Thus leauing to your serious consideracion what I haue written desiring your speedy advice I humbly take my leaue and rest, Your worships to command

Jo: Woodbridge Newbery this 22th of 1 mo. 1640/41

W. 4. 111; 5 Collections , I. 317–319. For Woodbridge, see Morison, Founding of Harvard College, 409–410.

