A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Thomas Gorges and Edward Godfrey to John Winthrop1
Gorges, Thomas Godfrey, Edward JW


To the Right Worshipfull John Winthrope Esqr. these present speed in Boston
Aggamenticus 1 March 1640/41 Most honoured Sir,

one Reuben Guppy of late comminge into our plantation and pretendinge much Religeon and a great zeal for the Ordinances of God was entertained by a planter, but since ther haue come diuers reports vnto vs of his misdeameanors with you, and that fear of punishment droue him away, and likewise this day I haue receaued a letter from Captain Vnderhill which expresseth the desier of Mr. Endicott to haue him returned which letter I haue sent you heerinclosd. the desier we haue to satisfy his request, and to ridd such fellows out of our Prouince, which haue brought such a scandall on it haue caused vs to omitt noe opportunity of sendinge him, therfore by Sampson Salter, Master of the Makeshift you shall receaue him. resolued we are that this Prouince shall be noe refuge for Runnaways, for none comminge from another Plantation shall be entertained heer without a Certificate of his good demeanour, or vppon the knowledge of some of the Inhabitants. thus with our seruices tendered to you: com­324mendinge you to the protection of the Almighty we Rest Yours in all due respects

Tho: Gorges Edw: Godfrey

W. Au. 102; 4 Collections , VII. 335–336. For Godfrey, founder of York, Maine, see 4 Collections , VII. 377n.; Banks, History of York, Maine, 41–52 et passim.