A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Ezekiel Rogers to John Winthrop1
Rogers, Ezekiel JW


To the Worshipfull his worthy freinde John Winthorpe Esqr. at Boston these present
Worthy Sir,

I blesse God for your Christian acceptance of my simple expression: He haue all the glory therof, and ourselues incouragement to deale vprightly in any the like cases, yea in all. Your iudgment concerning consultation with the Elders in waighty cases, is sounde and according to the worde; and though you shoulde gett little else but prayer, it woulde be 282no losse. Godly wisdome shoulde teach vs, both not to intermeddle where we haue no call, and to knowe what respect belongs to Christian Magistrates. If they and we shalbe taught of God to ioine together in all things with loue and consent, it wilbe no small pledge of Gods being among vs; I tremble to adde the contrary; quod Deus noster auertat. Touching the buisinesse of the Bounds, which we haue now in agitation; I haue thought, that a good fence helpeth to keepe peace betweene neighbours; but let vs take heede that we make not a high stone wall, to keepe vs from meeting.

Wheras you speake of clearing your selfe in publique, I shoulde desire (if you pléase) to speake with you first: which I hope to doe before the Generall Court. So with my respects and loue, I committ you to God, and shalbe glad if in any thing you will vse or commande Your poore freinde

Ez. Rogers Rowly last of 6, 1640

W. 3. 57; 4 Collections , VII. 214–215.