A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

William Bradford to John Winthrop1
Bradford, William JW


To his worthy and beloued freind mr. John Winthrop Esquier these be delivered
Worthy Sir,

I most kindly thanke you for your loue and paines, in aquainting me with the newes from our owne Countrie the Lord be mercifull to them, and vs, and teach vs to make that vse thereof that is befitting so sade a condition. I had sundrie courrantoes came to my hands out of holand: In one wherof (bearing date in Nouember last) ther is mention made of an Inquision, and search made through all Englande of all the papists in the land, and the number giuen to the king weer aboue tow hundred thowsand families; and of them were found to be 16000 of the spiritualitie (as they call them) what may be the reason of this search is not expressed, but is not hard to be conjectured. We hear a rumorie that our freinds of Coonightecute Intend to begine a warr with the Narrigansets speedilie; If you know any Certaintie therof, I desire you would be pleased to aquaint vs with it, that we may the better looke to our owne defence. I wish they may goe vpon good grounds least they bring euill vpon them selues, and their Nighbours. but If Justice, or necessitie compell them; they shall not (in my judgmente) doe well to linger so longe as to giue them time to geather in their corne. But the Lord direct them to doe, and you to counssell them as may be for the best in so waighty a case. Thus with my humble thankfullnes vnto you for your loue, which I esteeme precious, I rest Your vnworthy freind

William Bradford Plim: 16 6 month 1640

W. Au. 100; 4 Collections , VI. 159–160.