A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Edward Norris to John Winthrop1
Norris, Edward JW


To the Right Worshipfull John Winthrope Esq. at his house these be deliuered in Boston
Worshipfull and Right Worthy Sir,

I have receaved letters from some speciall frendes in Bristol with this request: that whereas one Mr. Long an Alderman of that Citie, of great estate, and very good esteeme there, hath sent over his eldest sonne (one addicted (as it seemes) to traveyl) to recyde for a time in these partes, and hath desyred above all, that he might (yf possible) be entertained by yourselfe vppon what termes yow shall sett downe: and that I should doe my best to further the same: these are with intreatie to tender the sayed motion vnto yow by waye of letter being not well able to traveyle my selfe (which else I would, and should have done) that yf great inconveniences stand not in the waye, yow would be pleased to fullfill the request of such as are well able and (I believe) as willing to make satisfaction, with respectfull thankes, and love vnto yow. the yong man I knowe not, being in foraigne partes at my being in Bristoll but is there readye to present himselfe vnto yow, as I have given direction, and the master of the ship with whom he came. Thus, craveing leave for this boldnes with yow vpon such an occasion, I commend yow, with good Mris. Winthrop, to the grace of God in Jesus Christ, resting Your Worships in all due respect and observance

Edw: Norice Salem, 9no 5ti Mensis 1640

W. 4. 106; 5 Collections , I. 306.