A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Thomas Dudley to John Winthrop1
Dudley, Thomas JW


To my honoured brother John Winthrop esqr. at his howse at Boston

I haue received the 20li you sent now by your man for which I thanck you. The truth is, I owe the whole 50li to be paid the end of this moneth and haue noe other money to pay it: The money is not yet gathered vpp here for you, and how much will be in money I yet know not: For the other things you wryte of I likewise retourne thancks, and purpose to conferre thereof with you at my cominge to Boston, and in the meanetyme and ever shall rest Yours very assured

Tho: Dudley Rocksbury, 4 mo: 15 day 1640

W. Au. 100; 4 Collections , VII. 112.