A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Francis Bacon to John Winthrop1
Bacon, Francis JW


To my very worthye and much esteemed friend John Winthrop Esq. at Boston in New Englande

Mr. Tyndall offering a Farme to sell that it seemes was purchased with your money, although it was much worse then when it was bought by him by reason of the woode and Tymber cut of which did discourage me; yet because it did lye in the towne where I dwell I haue bought it the rather alsoe because I wold further the occasions of you my old friende and Acquayntance, accordeinge as Mr. Tyndall hath ordered the payments. I know you vnderstande by many the state of things heere And I must confess when I considder it I condemne my selfe for purchaseing for if a goode change come not by the parliament I shall wish my money in my purse agayne And both it and my selfe with you. Because the Farme it seemes was a trust for Mrs. Winthrop I therefore sende a relese for her and you to seale. My mother and my selfe present our true loues and best wishes to your selfe and Mrs. Winthrop And prayeing god for a blessinge vpon you and yours I shall euer remayne Your assured freinde

Fr: Bacon From Shrubland Aprill 16th 1640 the 2d day of our parliament

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: Mr. Fr. Bacon Resp: per the Sparrow.


W. 4. 102; 5 Collections , I. 289. For Bacon, see 5 Collections , I. 289n.