A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Emmanuel Downing to John Winthrop1
Downing, Emmanuel JW


To his ever Honored brother John Winthrop Governour

I doe retorne you manie thanks for your kynde letter of the 13th of this Instant, and doe blesse God for the continewance of health to you and yours, and doe much reioyce in this, that the lord hath enabled you with patience and chearfulnes to beare your burthen he knowes well what service you haue done for his people and Churches here. he hath promised requitall for a Cup of cold water given to any of his. I need not tell you of his riches, ability and faythfulnes in the performance of his word and promises to the 202meanest of his servants, nor of his trew and tender love vnto you, soe that I am assured he will repaire and fully repay all your losse, Costs and charges spent in his service. I pray be confident hereof and doe him that right, in being as chearfull and contented now, as when you had the world most at comand; and soe with pardon for my boldnes and faythfull service to my good sister and your selfe I rest Your assured loving brother whilest I am

Em: Downinge 24. 12. 39/40

W. 2. 28; 4 Collections , VI. 53.