A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

George Rose to John Winthrop1
Rose, George JW


To the worshipfull and his honorable worthey Freinde a Publicke Freinde the Church and Cuntreyes Freinde, Mr. Winthope, Gouerner of Matetuset Beay at Boston I wish theise

My humble Dutie and Seruis with beste affection. May it please your worshipe to conceaiue that I haue Cause to simpothise with you in your extroardinarie damage as allsoe your worships soe longe Forebearance not 200in callinge to acount your vniuste stewarde beffore such extreame out Runinge this giues mee to vnderstand you did conceaiue the man to bee honeste allthough I knewe to the Contrarie in some parte, and that from the Comon out Crie of the Cuntrie as thus hee and they that make noe acount what wages the giue to mean and insoficient parties are not to Bee trusted. but hee gaue 20s wages for Driueinge beasts from Duxburie to your Farme: ergoe, not to be trusted I bewaiele frome my verrie hart the passages of my knowledge in some perteculers, but I steay heare: and take it for truth through the good hand of our god: your worship is now soe provided as you maie Reste well Satisfied: as brother Wright giueth mee to vnderstand. yet I besseech you trie beffore you truste and I hope you will for my owne part vnworthey I ame to make cleane your shooes and soe Reste intreatinge the lord to vphold your worship vnder soe greate and vnacusstomed triall for whome manie doe implore the Throne of grace: and I vnworthey wretch amongst manie fare the better for your worshipe euerrie daie I doe arise in that our god hath giuen you a hart and a hand: a Sworde to mayntaine the ordinances of the lord in puritie peace with power. manie maie your daies bee with much inlargment, to be more refined with partinge with drosse and in Conclusion to be a greate gainer by soe bad a bargain and soe all shall worcke together for the beste to them that loue and longe for the apeareinge of our lord Jesus Christe to yours and our Imortalitie. euen soe be your part from the Bottom of my poore hart. Amen. yours to command: hart purss and hand

George Rose Mount Wolliston this 21th of this last month 1639/40

Reuerend Ser yf teares would haue sealed wax mighte haue ben spared: yours and you be blessed together and a part manie are they that wish soe in hart.


W. 4. 99; 5 Collections , I. 283–284. For Rose, see 5 Collections , I. 283n.