A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

John Humfrey to John Winthrop


Certificate of Edward Norris

Samuel Maverick to John Winthrop1
Maverick, Samuel JW


Worshipfull Sir,

My Service beinge remembered, you may be pleased to vnderstand that there is a difference betwene one Ralfe Greene and Jno. Peirse each challinginge a promise of mariage from a maide servant left with me by Mr. Babb beinge daughter vnto a freind of his. either of them desired my consent within a weeke one of the other, but hearinge of the difference I gaue consent to neither of them, desiringe there might be an agreement first amongst themselues, or by order from your worship: the maide hath long tyme denied any promise made to Greene, neither can I learne that there was euer any contract made betwene them, yett I once herd her say shee would haue the said Greene and desired my Consent therevnto, but it rather seemes shee first promised Peirse and still resolues to haue him for her husband. for the better clearinge of it, I haue sent all such of my peopell as can say any thinge to the premises, and leave it to your wise determination, conceivinge they all deserue a checke for theire manner of proceedinge. I take leave and rest Your Worships Servant at Commaund

Samuel Mavericke Ca. 1640

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: Mr. Mavericke about his servants marriage.


W. 3. 82; 4 Collections , VII. 307–308. For Maverick, see 4 Collections , VII. 307n.