A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

John Haynes to John Winthrop1
Haynes, John JW


To the Right Worshipfull his much honoured Freind John Winthropp, Esqr. Governour of the Mattachosett, these bee delivered
Worthy Sir,

In my jorney towards Quilipiacke, I mett with this Panaquanike Indian, who being bownde for the Baye, repayringe to your selfe, requested mee to signify to you what hee is and his erraund. The party is knowne to vs, and his busynesse in particular to trucke for certeine squaes that were taken when wee invaded ther coasts. I leave him and what hee hath to saye to your wisdom to consider of. Wee have lately hadd a great floode, that came vpp to some of our howses, and carryed away a good parte of our fences in our lowe grounds, otherwise, wee blesse the Lord, wee are generally in good health. I should gladly crave a word from you, if any newes by the fishinge shipps from England. In much hast, my service presented to your selfe, Mr. Dudley, with the rest of our good frinds, I take leave. Your assured Frind

Jo: Haynes Wethersfeild, the 27th of the 1st month, 1639

Original not located; 4 Collections , VI. 355. For Haynes, see D.A.B.