A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Acknowledgment of Masconomet1


This doth testify that I Maskonomett did give to Mr. John Winthrop all that ground that is betweene the Creeke commonly called Labour in Vane Creeke, and the Creeke called Chybecko Creeke, for which I doe acknowledge to have received full satisfaction in wampam peage, and other things: and I doe heereby also for the summe of twenty pounds to be paid vnto me by the said John Winthrop, I doe fully resigne vp all my right of the whole towne of Ipswich as farre as the bounds therof shall goe all the woods, meadowes, pastures and broken vp grounds vnto the said John Winthrop in the 105name of the rest of the English there planted, and I doe bind my selfe to make it cleere from the Claimes of any other Indians whatsoever.

Maskanomett X his marke Ca. March 13, 1638/39 2 witnesses to this Gyles Fyrmin Adam Winthrop Hugh X Hilliard his marke Deane Winthrop

Endorsed by John Winthrop, Jr.: Maskanometts Sale of Ipswich.


Essex Institute. The body of this document is in the handwriting of John Winthrop, Jr. For the Indian deed of Ipswich, June 28, 1638, for which this document is an acknowledgment, see page 42, above.


Cf. Records of Massachusetts, I. 252.