A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Emmanuel Downing to John Winthrop1
Downing, Emmanuel JW


To his much honored brother John Winthrop Governour deliver Boston

I blesse God for his tender Care of vs in preserving yours and myne in health and peace in these Infectious and stormie seasons. My Cosen Peter told me, this afternoone that there was not one sick in Salem. the Good lord graunt vs thankfull hearts, as for this, soe for all other his favours to vs; Mr. Ballard of Sagus lyeth verie sick of the pox; I found my sawes in a long Chest among the other things, the bundle of Sawes you sent me, are not myne, I wishe the owner had them.

For mr. Cooke, I, having noe other buisines to the Court, am loath to make a Jorney of purpose, therefore my hope is my Cosen Stephen Winthrop having a letter of Attornie will prosecute yt for me; If he goes for Bermodas, I must fynde out some other freind that will doe yt for me;

I haue soe manie things to retorne thanks for as I know not where to begyn, they deserve more then words. my hart is more willing to requitall then opportunity or abilitye can afoard. as an Indian said, Comaund me great things to the height of my strength, etc. I pray remember my service with manie thanks to my sister, and soe with my love to all yours and mr. Harrison, with my dayly prayers for your prosperous condition in soule, body and all your affaires I rest Your assured loving brother whilest I am

Em: Downinge 25. 10. 1638

W. 2. 26; 4 Collections , VI. 49–50.