Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4
This Lettre inclosed beinge deliuered to me by a mistake, was by the like mistake opened by me, but havinge read 3 or 4 lines I reveiwed the superscription and founde my error, wherevpon I layd it by: and (consideringe how I would have another in like case to have dealt with me) I read no further of it, so as you may rest assured that neither my selfe nor any other since it came to my hands is privye to the contents of any more then the first 4 or 5 lines. So with my lovinge salutations to your selfe and all our worthye and reverend frends with you, mr. Bradford mr. Winslow etc: I commend you to the Lord and rest Your verye lovinge freind
This other Lettre to mr. Winslow came with it.