A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Hugh Peter to John Winthrop1
Peter, Hugh JW


To our noble Gouernour these present in Boston
Hon. Sir,

I vnderstand by Mr. Pierse that Mr. Bellingham is very very greedy for more mony who hath already taken more then hee can answer: wherefore my humble request is that you would bee pleased to suffer none at all to touch it, synce the mony is properly myne and at the Court wee hope to bee all there; Mr. Pierse hath also promised to vndertake for all the Owners there, and I for those here, being iust halfe in eyther place and so to issue all.

I am bold besides to intreat you to let your seruant by your order to take all Mr. Lapthornes goods into your hands, that were at the ordinary, his trunke and other things are at your house already, and to pay 3li to the Master for passage, and what the ordinary demaunds, and to keepe all his goods safe because hee wholy belonged to mee, and my brother who sent the 72man ouer to mee vpon my letter will expect my faithfulnes. Thus making euer bold with you I rest Yours in all due respects and vtmost seruice

Hu: Peter Salem 25. 8, 1638

I pray salute your animae dimidium and my noble Aunt. I pray intreat her or some body to buy mee 5 or 6 doz: of Candles vpon any termes.


W. 2. 52; 4 Collections , VI. 97–98.