A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Petition of Hugh Peter to the Massachusetts General Court1
Peter, Hugh JW Massachusetts Bay Company General Court


To the Honored Court now set at Boston

Whereas it pleased the Lord by diuers occasions to exercise our honored brother Mr. Humfrey so as his condition is generally taken notice of in the Country to bee such that without some helpe his frends feare the Gospell may suffer by his sufferings.

By the aduice of frends I am bold to desire the Counsell, fauor, and assistance of the Court now assembled in his behalfe, and finding the Country so charged already by necessary rates I haue only this way of some succor to present to your wisedomes viz: that wheras hee hath some mony in his hands intended to some publike vse, if that may bee remitted to his owne being one hundred and odde pounds; and if therunto you shall aduise I shall pay him what Mr. Geere left to some of vs to dispose of for the Country, I suppose it may answer good part of his necessity, thoughe I perceiue lesse then 700li besides the sale of much of his estate will not cleere him.

Herin I shall wayt your pleasure and shall euer bee (as I am bound) Yours

Hugh Peter Salem, 10 (7) 1638

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: The Court vpon hearinge this Petition, and muche argument and consideration thereof did declare their tender regard of the gentleman and his condition, and their readynesse to helpe to supporte 57him: but they are not satisfied that his estate is so lowe as it should call for any such public helpe: and if it should appeare so, they would then see a faire waye how such helpe may be vsefull to him for the intended ende.2


W. 2. 51; 4 Collections , VI. 96–97.


This answer by the Court to Peter's petition does not appear in the records of the General Court.