A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Petition of John Underhill to the Massachusetts General Court1
Underhill, John Massachusetts Bay Company General Court


Wheare as itt is somewhatt questionable whether the three Moneths I was Absentt, as well in the service off the Contrie, as otherr perticular persons: My request therefore is, thatt this honoured Corte would be pleased to disside this controvercie, my selfe Alledgeing itt to be the custome off Nations: Thatt if A Commander be lentt to another State, by thatt state to whome he is a servantt, booth his place and meanes is nott detayned from him, soe longe as he dooth nott refuse the call of his owne state, to which he is a servantt, In case they shall call him home, Butt I leave itt to your Wisdomes. And further thatt this honoured Corte would be pleased to answer my antyentt Suite thatt 250 acres off land promissed me in my first Covenants which some of our honoured Magistrats vndertooke to performe in the name of the whole, And if the honoured Corte shall vouchsafe to make some addition, thatt which hath nott bene deserved: by the same power of god may be in due season: Thus leaving my request to your wise Consideracions I rest: Yours in all service whatt I may to be commanded:

John Vnderhill Ca. September, 1638

Memorandum on verso: The tyme was when a little went far, then much was not knowne nor desired: now the tyme is that a great deale goeth but a little way; the reason of the difference lyeth only in the error of Judgment, for nature requires no more to vpholde it now then when it was satisfied with lesse.


W. 3. 44; 4 Collections , VII. 177–178. This document is not in Underhill's handwriting. For Underhill, see L. Effingham de Forest and Anne L. de Forest, Captain John Underhill, Gentleman, Soldier of Fortune (New York, 1934); Henry C. Shelley, John Underhill, Captain of New England and New Netherland (New York, 1932); D.A.B. Cf. Records of Massachusetts, I. 237, under date September 6, 1638; Journal, I. 275, under date September 7, 1638 ; also printed in D.J.W. .