A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Hugh Peter to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Peter, Hugh Winthrop, John, Jr.


For the Worshipfull John Winthrop Esqr. Ipswich
Deere Sir,

Wee are glad to heare of you, and my wife intends to bee with you per first.

Your sister Symonds is deliverd last weeke of a dead child, and is in much weaknes, it came by a fall, let your wife looke to herselfe. John Baker will tell you abondance of newes from the bay. For Ipswich it will never bee well till the Church goe on, aduise them to that if you meane to save them. Wee are in good order here, blessed bee the lord, continue your affection to him who is Yours or nothing

H. Peter Salem 2d day ca. February, 1637/38

I must earnestly intreat you to give Mr. Broadstreet 40s in corne for mee, 14or mony, it is for one goodman Tompson of your towne. I will make the mony good here, or any where. Salute your Betty and little Betty from vs all. I have sent you the booke of the proceedings at the Court, which when it is coppyed out for your towne I must have agayne.


Essex Institute; 4 Collections , VI. 105–106.